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mardi 5 juin 2007

Atelier Iris 3 = La synthétisation


- Alchemist Staff ( bâton d' IRIS ) = Nicro Cloth + Gash Twig + legien Ore

- Mist Armor ( armure Edge ) = Nico Cloth + Treasurebug Silk + Legien Ore

- Raven Cape ( cape IRIS )= Tufts + Nicro Cloth + Gash Twig

- Flame Ring ( accessoire avec magie de feu )= Flame + Canone Rock + Legien Ore

- Gear Blaze ( épée EDGE ) = 8 directional spring + Glansen ore + Meruze Water ( peut - être substitué à Puniball ) + Flame

- stratos sword ( épée EDGE ) = 8 directional spring + Glansen ore + Zuftuff Water + Wind slicer

- heavy Glaive ( hâche EDGE ) = Long shaft + Legien ore + Alchemic Metal

- Nicro Cloth = spinacherb + Tufts + Meruze Water

- KUNAI ( couteau EDGE ) = legien ore ( peut substituer à Glansen ore ) + Zuftuff Water + Polishing Powder

- Gearshaft ( bâton IRIS ) = Long shaft + Eternal Turnkey + 8 directional spring

- Metal Hauberk ( armure ) = Alchemic Metal + Bear Pelt + Nicro Cloth + Eiche

- Fairy Stick ( bague ) = Gash Twig + Spinacherh + fairy Hat

- Lancelot ( lance NELL ) = slash Rapier ( ou Lancelot ) + Long Shaff ( ou Burdock straight ) + legien ore ( ou Glansen Ore ) + Melty spring Water

- slash Rapier ( lance de Nell ) = legien Ore + Meruze Water + Melty Spring Water

- bouquet ( bouquet NELL ) = Huffin Blossom + Zettel ( peut - être substitué à Nicro Cloth )

- Mushroom Armor ( armure ) = Fungushroom + Wandering Armor

- Red Powerpuff ( habit de NELL ) = Puppy Paw Bonbon + Bear Pelt

- Wind Slicer ( couteau EDGE ) = Glansen ore + Amethyst Flower ( peut - être substitué = KUNAI ou Needle Candy ) + Polishing Powder

- KUMA OUTFIT ( habit ) = Bear Pelt + Nicro Cloth + Puppy Paw Bonbon + Tufts

- Rosen Maiden ( habit ) Rose + Red Power Puff + Chrome Crystal + Devil' s Panties

- Funky overalls ( habit ) = Black Fairy Clothes + Frontier Headband + Black Belt + Altena Soul

- Violetta ( robe IRIS ) = White separates ( ou Gold ) + Amethyst Flower ( ou Huffin Blossom ou Jawbreaker Candy ) + Pentagle ( ou Brilliant Stone ) + Posporia Cloth

- Black Hat ( bague ) = Black Liquid + Huffin Blossom

- Trawer Tarot ( bague ) = Magician' s Book + Zettel + Mysterious seed

- Cyclops ( hâche d' Edge en Jiptus ) = Monster Bone ( ou Monster Bone ou Dragon Bone ) + Legien Ore ( ou Alchemic Metal ou Heavy Glaive ) + Chrome Crystal + Shifty Eye

- Paw - Gloves ( bague ) = Puppy Paw Bonbon ( Black Liquid ou Bitter grape ) + Nicro Cloth + Huffin Blossom

- Rosen Maiden ( habit ) = Rose + Red powerpuff + Chrome Crystal + Devil' s Panties

- Nurse Style = Posporia Cotton + White seperates + Chrome Crystal + X Heal

- Healing Necklace ( bague ) = Heal Jar ( ou Nectar ) + legien Ore ( glacier stone ou Chrome Crystal ) + Melty Spring Water

- Magician' s Book ( Livre EDGE ) = Zettel + Chrome Crystal + Tufts

- Magical Torch ( bague = FLARE RAIN ) = Flame Ring + Alchemic metal + Puniball

- Bread Bikini ( habit de NELL et IRIS ) = Zuftuff Water + Flour ( ou salt ) + Puppy Paw Bonbon ( ou Monster Cookie ) + Treasurebug silk

- Ravissan ( habit de NELL ) = Red Powerpuff + Fairy Clothes ( ou Fairy Hat ) + Concentrated Honey

- Frontier Headband ( bague ) = Bitter Grape + Format Fabric + Huffin Blossom

- Sibyl' s Book ( Livre Edge ) = Magician' s Book + Altena Soul + Zettel

- Funky Overalls ( habit d' EDGE ) = Black Fairy Clothes + Frontier Headband + Black Belt + Altena Soul

- M - type Auto Fan ( bague TORNADO ) = strange slab + strange Gearbox + Chrome Crystal

- Magical Torch ( bague FLARE RAIN ) = Flame Ring + Alchemic metal + Puniball

- Voodoo Doll ( bague HALF ) = Treasurebug silk + Brownie Mask + spinacherb

- Flame Bangle ( bague HELL WAVE ) = Flame Ring + Brillant stone + Canone Rock + Eiche

- Twig of Origin ( bâton NELL ) = Baba Yaga + Elixir + Philosopher' s Ash + Shroom Juice

- Jyoya ( cloche de NELL ) = Altena Soul ( ou Pendelook ) + Alchemic Metal ( ou Funny Bell ) + Beast Fang ( ou Monster Bone ou Shifty Eye ) + Salt

- Witch staff ( bâton NELL ) = canone Rock ( ou Chrome Crystal ) + Long Staft ( ou Long Pochy ou Alchemist Staft ) + Eiche ( ou Gash Twig )

- Black Bustier ( habit ) = Fairy Clothes + Ravissan + Pendelook

- shadow Dagger ( couteau EDGE ) = Worn Weapon + Amethyst Flower ( ou Wind Slicer ) + Polishing Powder ( ou Black Liquid )

- Maid Dress ( robe IRIS ) = Amethyst Flow ( ou Huffin Blossom ) + Violetta ( ou Black Bustier ) + Chrome Crystal ( ou Brilliant stone ou Pentagle ) + Angel' s slip

- Idol Costume ( robe NELL ) = Devil' Panties ( ou Angel' s slip ) + White separates + Bouquet ( ou Bread Bikini ) + Fairy Hat

- Flon' s Charm ( bague ) = strang slab ( ou Magician' s Book ) + Zettel + Mysterious seed

- Thunder Ring ( bague LIGNHTNING ) = Lightning Rod ( ou Thunder Rod ) + Thunder stone ( ou Jawbreaker Candy ou Glittering Thread ) + Alchemic Metal

- Ice Blade ( hâche EDGE ) = Bomb Ice ( ou Bomb Bom Ice ) + Legien Ore ( ou Alchemic Metal ou Heavy Glaive ) + Glacier Stone ( ou Amethyst Flower ou Eiche ou Rose )

- Rose THorn ( bâton EDGE ) = Rose + Zuftuff Water ( ou Bitter grape ou shroom Juice ) + Polishing Powder

- Punislayer ( lance de NELL ) = Puniball ( ou Puni Gummy ) + Slash Rapier ( ou Philosopher' s Ash ) + Melty Spring water ( ou Black Liquid )

- lance Rocket ( lance NELL ) = Lancelot + Long shaft ( ou Burdock sraight ou Long Pochy ) + Flame ( ou Tera Flame ) + Brilliant stone ( ou pentagle )

- Crushing Empress ( bâton d' IRIS ) = Uni ( ou Nicro Cloth ou Posporia Cloth ) + Long shaft ( ou Long Pochy ) + Legien ore ( ou Glansen ore )

- Mist Plate ( armure EDGE ) = Nicro Edge ( ou Posporia Cloth ) + Treasurebug silk ( ou Glittering Thread ) + legien ore ( ou canone rock ou Glacier stone ou Thunder stone )

- Glowing Bracelet ( bague de ressurection ) = Nectar + Goat Milk ( ou Healing Ankh ) + Pentagle

- Healing Ankh ( bague HEALING ) = Healing Necklace + Chrome Crystal ( ou Rainbow Feather ) + Altena soul

- HERMES STAFF ( bâton IRIS ) = skimir' s staff ( ou caduceus ) + Pentagle ( ou glacier stone ) + Rainbow Feather

Choisir option = AUTOHEAL + HIT + 2. Ce bâton d' HERMES peut faire jusqu' à 7 HITS à chaque ATK normalement, TRES PRATIQUE pour augmenter VITE la barre rouge de BURST.

- Gear Melxe I ( armure EDGE ) = strange Gearbox ( ou Alchemic Metal ) + Silver Cuirass ( ou Mist Plate ) + Black Liquid

- Black Fairy Clothes ( habit NELL ou IRIS ) = Fairy Clothes + Black Hat + Concentrated Honey ( ou Goat Milk ou shroom Juice )

- Metamorabbit ( habit NELL ) = White separates ( ou Idol Costume ) + Carrotato + Puppy Paw Bonbon ( ou Paw Gloves ) + Normal Fabric

- Silver Frost Ring ( bague ) = Ice Ring + Chrome Metal ( ou Crystart ) + Alchemic Metal

- Ice Bangle ( bague ICE VOLLEY ) = Ice Ring + pentagle + Glacier stone ( ou Glensen ore ) + Jembreaker ( ou Monster Cookie )

- Vasilissa' s Doll ( bague DEATH SPHERE ) = Voodoo Doll + pendelook + chatter Flower

- Quickstrike Blade ( couteau EDGE ) = Thunder Rod + Amethyst Flower + Briliant stone + Gravity stone

- Balmung ( lance de NELL ) = Alchemic Metal + Magic Silver Ingot + Chrome Crystal ( ou slash Rapier ) + Polishing Powder ( ou Gash Twig ou Goat Milk ).
Avec OPTIONS = Heavy ou Autoheal + ou Magic + ( S ) ou Crit + ( M )

- Pyre Blade ( épée EDGE ) = Long Shaft + legien ore
- Gear Blaze ( épée EDGE ) = 8 directional spring ( ou Eternal Turnkey ) + Glansen ore ( ou Alchemic Metal ou Pyre Blade ) + Meruze Water ( ou Beast Fang ou Puniball ) + Flame ( ou Tera Flame )

- Armed Gear ( épée EDGE ) = strange Gearbox + Alchemic Metal ( ou Magic Silver Ingot ou Gear Blaze ) + Pentagle ( ou shroom Juice ou Bucket Cookie ) + Flame ( ou Tera Flame )

- Wisdom Cane ( bâton de NELL ) = Eiche ( ou Gash Twig ) + magic Silver Ingot + Long Shaft ( ou Gurgu' s Cane ) + Pentagle

- Asclepius ( bague REFRESH ) star prism + Shifty Eye ( ou Dragon Bone ) + Amethyst Flower

- Impulser ( épée EDGE ) = strange Gearbox + Alchemic Metal + Brilliant stone + Gautlet of Artorius

- Grand Viper ( hâche EDGE ) = Magic Silver Ingot + Alchemic Metal ( ou Cyclops ) + Pendelook ( ou Fungo Charm ) + Pentagle

- Wisdom' s Cane ( bâton NELL ) = Eiche ( ou Gash Twig ) + Magic Silver Ingot ( ou Altena Ingot ) + Long shaft ( ou Gurgu' s cane ) + Pentagle

- Heart striker ( lance de NELL ) = concentrated Honey + Altena Ingot + Amethyst Flower + Puppy Paw Bonbon
avec 5 HITS et OPTIONS = charge + ( L ), Blessed Wpn, Magic + ( M ), stun + ( M )

- Chrysanthenum Puppet ( poupée de NELL ) = Horseman outfit + Eternal Turnkey + Alchemic Metal + strange Gearbox

- Fungo charme ( poignet EDGE ) = Chrome Crystal + Eicheloa + Puni Gummy + Blue Pearl

- Talisman ( Livre EDGE ) = Chrome Crystal ( ou Amethyst Flower ) + Magic Silver Ingot

- Holy Halberd ( hâche EDGE ) = Altena Ingot + Grand Viper ( ou Ice Blade ) + Melty Spring Water ( ou Brownie Mask ) + Medecine X

- Automata ( poupée NELL ) = Fairy Clothes ( ou Black Fairy Clothes ) + Eiche ( ou Gash Twig ) + Puniball

- Hellfire ( bague TERA FLAME ) = Flame Bangle + X - Heal + Altena Ingot + Melty Spring Water

- Thunder Bangle ( bague PLASMA RAY ) = Thunder Ring + Alterna Ingot + Thunder stone ( ou Glansen ore ) + Chaos Candy ( ou Huffin Blossom )

- Crown of Thorns ( bague ténèbres NIGHTMARE ) = Silver Frost Ring + Water of Lethe + Voodoo Dool + Altena Ingot

- Demon Pot ( bague ) = X - Jar + Beast Fang + Shifty Eye + Necronomicon ( Livre )

- Gautlet of Artorius ( bague ) = Altena Ingot + Philosopher' s Ash + Pendelook

- Sharkgill sword ( épée EDGE ) = sharkgill + Beast Fang ( ou Worn Weapon ) + Tiger Blowfish ( ou Lake Fish ou Joker Fish ou Demon squid ) + Strange Gearbox

- Hunder Needle ( lance NELL ) = Uni ( ou Unirus Lifeform ) + Chronicle slab + Glansen ore ( ou slash Rapier ou Punislayer ) + Tufts ( ou Brownie Mask ou Rainbow Feather )

- Key of Heaven ( bague HEAVEN' S GATE ) = Holy Emblem ( ou Altena Ingot ) + Apple of Youth + Polishing Powder

La CLE d' HEAVEN, on la trouve grâce au BONUS de la Vallée de Cristal de Dakascus ( l' avant dernière carte qu' on obtient en ayant des points suffisants dans le donjon de Dakascus ).

- Solomon' s Key ( Livre EDGE ) = Magician' s Book + Amethyst Flower ( ou Pendelook ) + Canone Rock ( ou Dragon Tongue ) + Zettel

- Element Blaze ( cloche NELL ) = Thunder Caller + Phelios Globe + Alchemic Metal + Thunder Stone

- Amulet ( poignet EDGE en FANATOS ) = Pendelook ( ou Talisman ou Wind Slicer ) + Altena Ingot

- Shield of Gargol ( bague ) = Divine Shield ( ou Misty Curtain ) + Blue Pearl + Altena Soul ( ou Crystart )

- shield of Aias ( bague défense ) = shield of Gorgol + Blue Pearl + Worn Weapon ( ou Brownie Mask )

- Phelios Globe ( bague METEOR ) = Globe + Star Prism + Globeball + Magician' s Book

- Alchemy Robe ( robe IRIS ) = Fairy Clothes ( ou Black Fairy Clothes ) + Violetta ( ou Bear Pelt ) + Moon Prism

- Brogius ( épée EDGE = épée du mari de NOELLA ) = Altena Ingot + Divine shield ( ou star prism ou Moon Prism ) + Altena Soul ( ou Pendelook ou Glittering Thread ou Blue Pearl )

- rectangle Bread ( Livre EDGE ) = Bitter grape + Goat Cheese + Goat Milk ( ou Concentrated Honey ou Green soup ou Karotte Magasto ) + Chaos Candy

- Healing Bracelet ( bague HEAL ALL ) = super Nectar ( ou Elixir ou Shining Grail ) + Philosopher' s Ash ( ou Jawbreaker Candy ou Gravity stone ou Healing Ankh ) + Melty Spring Water

- Engage Ring ( bague BLESS ) = Healing Bracelet + Brilliant stone + Altena Ingot + Polishing Powder

- Nell Comet ( lance NELL ) = Dragoneer + Heart Striker ( ou Hunter Needle ) + Goat Milk ( ou Black Liquid ou Worn Weapon ) + Engage Ring

- Hell Doll ( poupée de NELL en FAUSTUS ) = Metamorabbit ( ou Kuma outfit ) + Lightning rod + strange Gearbox + Chatter Flower ( ou Apple of Youth )

- Verdure Tablet ( Livre EDGE ) = Magician' s Book + Zettel + Elemia ore + Gold

- Funky Overalls ( habit EDGE ) = Black Fairy Clothes + Frontier headband ( ou Eiche ou Bitter grape ) + Black Belt + Altena Soul ( ou Holy Emblem ou Brilliant stone )

- Alectorian ( poignet EDGE ) = Silmarillion + Brilliant stone ( ou Pentagle ou Holy Emblem ) + Magic Silver Ingot + Alberich ( ou Elixir ou Shining Grail )

- Deadpoint Glasses ( bague ) = Moon Prism + magic Silver Ingot ( ou Altena Ingot ) + Altena Soul ( ou Pendelook ou Needle Candy )

- M - Type Pea Typhoon (bague TEMPEST ) = M - Type Auto Fan + Strange Gearbox + Gravity stone

- Arabesque stole ( habit IRIS ) = spinacherb ( ou Fairy hat ou Fairy Clothes ) + Raven cape ( ou Treasurebug silk ou Glittering Thread ou Posporia Cloth ) + Chrome Crystal

- Celestial Robe( habit IRIS ) = Thin Leotard + Formal stole + Chain of Gleipnir

- Wedding Dress ( robe IRIS ) = Huffin Blossom + White separates ( ou Heaven' s Feel ou Normal Fabric ) + Chrome Crystal ( ou Blue Pearl ou Brilliant stone ou Pentagle ) + Engage Ring

- Formal Stole ( habit IRIS ) = Bitter grape + Arabesque stole + Normal Fabric

- Idol Costume ( habit NELL ) = Devil' s Panties ( ou Angel' s Slip ) + White seperates + Bouquet ( ou Bread Bikini ) + Fairy Hat

- Rabbit Jacket ( habit NELL ) = Thin Leotard + Metamorabbit + Formal Fabric + Bunny Ears

- Thunder Caller ( bague VORTEX ) = Thunder Rod + M - type Pea Typhoon + Dtrange Gearbox + Eternal Turnkey ( ou Le Merou Cog )

- Demon Pot ( bague CALAMITY ) = X - Jar + Beast Fang + Shifty Eye + Necronomicon

- Uniform segma ( habit EDGE ) = Formal Fabric + Estevanguard ( ou Crown Breastplate ou Funky Overalls ) + Water of Lethe + Mushroom Armor ( ou Laughtning shroom )

- Peacemarker ( lance NELL ) = Draken + Magic Silver Ingot + Brilliant stone ( ou Pentagle ou Fungo Charm ) + star Prism ( ou Moon Prism )

- Twig of Origin ( bâton NELL = 6 hits en NYMPH ) = Baba yaga + Elixir + Philosopher' s Ash + Shroom Juice

- Staff of Creation ( bâton IRIS ) = Gold + Long Pochy + Diamond Dust

- Chrysanthenum Puppet ( poupée de NELL ) = Horseman outfit ( ou Red Powerpuft ) + Eternal Turnkey ( ou 8 directional spring ou Automata ) + Alchemic Metal ( ou Altena Ingot ou Shroom Juice ) + strange Gearbox

- Seashell Bikini ( bikini NELL et IRIS ) = scallop + Blue Pearl ( ou Posporia Cotton ou Huffin Blossom ) + Bonita ( ou Unihorn )+ treasurebug silk ( ou glittering Thread )

- Arma Material ( bague ) = Brilliant stone + Pentagle + Healing Bracelet + salt

- Dark Crystal ( bague = Dark Gem : invoque un cheval noir ) = Aroma Material + Demon Pot + Hellfire + Altena Soul

- Junk Borot ( poupée NELL ) = Wandering Armor + Hell Doll + Brogius + Pyre Blade ( ou Armed Gear ou Impulser )

- Graver Bell ( cloche de NELL en SIREN avec 5 HITS ) = Blue Pearl ( ou Alchemic Metal ) + Alchemic Metal ( ou Funnybell ou Jyoya ) + Worthless Stone ( ou Dragon stone ( ou Dragon Tongue )


- DEUS EX MACHINA ( épée ULTIME EDGE avec 7 Hits ) = Brogius + Armed Gear ( ou Sharkgill sword ) + Impulser + Altena Ingot ( ou Gravity Stone )

- ODYSSEUS ( meilleure HACHE EDGE ) = Ruby Prism + Holy Halberd ( ou Altena Ingot ) + Sibyl' s Book ( ou Necronomicon )

- Angel Wings ( bague ) = Gravity Stone + Tufts ( ou Rainbow Feather ou Glittering Thread ) + Holy Emblem

- Feather Flow ( armure NELL ) = Angel Wongs ( ou Alchemic Metal ) + Silver Cuirass ( ou Ravissan )+ Vanilla Syrup + Monster Cookie ( ou Jawbreaker Candy )

- Rising Sun ( habit IRIS ) = Horseman Outfit + Formal Fabric + Water of Lethe

- Saint' s Garb ( habit IRIS ) = Gold + Violetta ( ou Formal Fabric ) + Blue Pearl ( ou Glittering Thread ) + Angel Wings

- Verdure Tablet ( Livre EDGE ) = Magician' s Book + Zettel ( ou Sibyl' s Book ou Necronomicon ou Solomon' s Key ) + Elemia Ore ( ou Magic Silver Ingot ou Blue Pearl ou Philosopher' s Ash ) + Gold

- Heaven' s Feel ( robe NELL ) = Black Bustier ( ouHeaven' s Feel ) + Huffin Blossom + Elemia Ore ( ou Magic Silver Ingot ) + Feather Flow ( ou NIcro Cloth ou Posporia Cloth ou Formal Fabric )

- Scarlet Tail ( robe NELL ) = Heaven' s Feel + Huffin Blossom + Elemia Ore ( ou Magic Silver Ingot ) + Feather Flow ( ou Nicro Cloth ou Posporia Cloth ou Formal Fabric )

- Mark II ( poupée NELL ) = Red powerpuff + Eternal Turnkey ( ou 8 directional spring ou Automata ou Chrysanthenum Puppet ) + Brilliant stone ( ou Pentacle ou Holy Emblem ) + Gravity stone

- Demon Fang Blade ( épée EDGE ) = Chronicle slab + Wing slicer ( ou Quickstrike Blade ) + Amethyst Flower ( ou Canone Rock ou Glacier Stone ou Thunder Stone ) + Solomon' s Key

- staff of creation ( bâton ultime IRIS ) = Gold + Long Pochy ( ou Astral Cane ou Baba Yaga ) + Diamond Dust ( ou Hellfire )

- Sealform Fishruin ( poupée de NELL ) = King Tuna + Strange slab ( ou Automata ou Chrysanthenum Puppet ) + Lake Fish ( ou Balloon octopus ou sharkgill ou Demon Squid ) + Wather of Lethe

Avec option = Suma Class + very Heavy

- Diamond Dust ( bague avec Blizzard ) = Ice Bangle + Bomb Bomb Ice + Blue Pearl + Crystart

- Fungo Charm ( poignet ou bracelet EDGE ) = Chrome Crystal ( ou Amethyst Flower ou Amulet ou Talisman ) + Eicheloa ( ou Poison Shroom ou Fungushroom ou Mushroom Armor ) + Puni Gummy ( ou Needle Candy ou Philosopher' s Ash ou Worthless Stone ) + Blue Pearl

- Peacemarker ( épée NELL ) = Draken + Magic Silver Ingot + Briliant Stone ( ou Pentagle ou Fungo Charm ) + Star Prism ( ou Moon Prism )


- Heal Jar = spinacherh + Zuftuff Water + Puniball

- Green soup = spinacherb + Goat Milk + Eicheloa + Salt

- Nicro Cloth = spinacherb + Tufts + Zuftuff water

- X - Jar = Philosopher' s Ash + Meruze Water

- STEAK = Wild Meat + Belgrade Potato + Salt

- Philosopher' s Ash = Flour ( ou substituer à Polishing Powder ) + Worthless stone + meruze Water

Avec STEAK vous pouvez remplacer WILD MEAT à UNIHORN, il y aura une scène avec IRIS qui trouvera un nouveau objet avec =

JOKER FISH peut - être substitué à = Belgrade Potato ou Carrotato pour créer un nouveau objet = HOT SALAD.

- Goat cheese = Goat Milk + Bitter grape + Meruze Water + Mysterious seed.

Goat Milk peut - être substitué à = Gicheloa ou Poisson Shroom ou Fungushroom mAIS vous créer un nouveau objet =

- Shroom Juice = Eicheloa ( ou Poisson shroom ou Fungushroom ) + Bitter grape + Meruze SPRING water + Mysterious seed

- Medecine X = Poison Shroom + Zuftuff Water + Puniball

- Posporia Cloth = Gash Twig + Posporia Cotton + Tufts

- cheesecake = Goat Cheese + Flour + Concentrated Honey + Monster Cookie

- Goat Cheese = Goat Milk + Bitter Grape + Meruze Water ( ou Zuftuff Water ) + Mysterious seed

- God ( or ) = Ruby Prism + Philisopher' s Ash

- Brillant stone = Altena soul + Amethyst Flower + Chrome Crystal

- Ruby Prism = Aroma Material + Brilliant stone + Dunkelhite + Dragon Tongue

- Tera Flame = Flame + Canone Rock + Star Prism + Alchemic Metal

- Misty Curtain ( tapis ) = Elemia Ore + Magic Silver Ingot

- strange gearbox = Le merou Cog + Eternal Turnkey ( ou 8 directional spring ou strange slab ) + Legien ore ( ou Glansen ore )

- Bomb Ice = Glacier stone ( ou canone Rock ) + Polishing Powder ( ou salt ) + legien ore ( ou glansen ore ou Alchemic Metal )

- Lightning Rod = Thunder stone ( ou canone rock ) + Polishing Powder ( ou salt ) + Legien ore ( ou Glansen ore ou Alchemic Metal )

- Format Fabric ( tissu ) = Eiche + Glittering Thread + Tufts ( ou Rainbow Feather )

- Magic Silver Ingot ( lingot ) = Glansen ore ( ou Glacier stone ) + Elemia ore ( ou Pendelook ) + melty spring water

- Breath of Earth ( clé jaune ) = Chrome Crystal + Puniball

- Altena Ingot ( objet = Elemia ore ( ou Thunder stone ) + Magic Silver Ingot + Holy Emblem

- Misty Curtain = Elemia ore ( ou Divine shield ) + Magic Silver Ingot

- Divine shield = gravity stone ( ou Misty curtain ) + Magic Silver Ingot

- Unirus Lifeform = Uni + Puniball ( ou Puni Gummy ) + Blue Pearl

- Altena Ingot = Elemia ore ( ou Thunder stone ) + Magic Silver Ingot + Holy Emblem

- Water of Lethe = Nectar ( ou Water of Lethe ) + Philosopher' s Ash + X - Jar + Cure Jar

- Elixir = X Heal + Alberich + Pentagle + Goat Milk

- chronicle slab = Magician' s Book + Glansen ore ( ou Elemia ore ) + Gravity stone

- Globe = Globeball + Magic Silver Ingot + Strange Gearbox

- Super Nectar = Nectar + Bitter Grape + Fragment of Aion

- shining Grail = super Nectar ( ou X Heal ) + Alberich + Brilliant stone + Goat Milk ( ou concentrated Honey )

- cheesecake = Goat cheese + Flour + Concentrated Honey + Monster Cookie

- Unipuni Pudding = Puni Gummy + Goat Cheese + Unirus lifeform + Puppy Paw Bonbon

- Refrain Memory = Water of Lether + Medecine X + X jar + Cure Jar

- Feudal Snackcastle = Cheesecake + Flour + Super Nectar + Taiyaki

Dans Cheesecake, il faut avoir MONSTER COOKIE ( combattre JIN RAIDER = à Posporia : au Géant Arbre ou Ishtar; combattre MAD BROWNIE = à Grimoire; combattre GOLDEN PIG = Dakascus ou ishtar afin de pouvoir faire FEUDAL SNACKCASTLE.

- Ruby Prism = Aroma Material + Brilliant stone ( ou Pentagle ) + Dunkelhite + Dragon Tongue

- Gold = Ruby Prism + Philosopher' s Ash

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