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dimanche 27 mai 2007

Rogue Galaxy = combinaisons


Pour les combinaisons, il faut avoir leniveau MAX pour les armes. Vous pouvez également attendre le NIVEAU MAITRE " MASTERED " qui prendra en compte les jauges des éléments ( feu, eau, terre et air ) de vos armes. Quand les armes sont au niveau MASTERED, si c' est une FORTE ARME, vous pouvez essayer de combiner avec les objets comme " HYPER CRYSTAL ", " OMEGA STAR " ... pour augmenter les caractéristiques des armes qui étaient arrêtées au niveau " mastered " ( attention = le pistolet " ORION " ne peut pas se combiner avec " hyper crystal " ou " omega Star " même au niveau mastered ).

LE MENU = FROG LOG permet de voir les combinaisons des opinions de TOADY ( vos propres combinaisons n' apparaîtront pas ).

SAUVEGARDER AVANT de faire une combinaison et si l' arme à un LEVEL inférieur ou égal à l' arme combinée, RECHARGER la partie. Il faut avoir le LEVEL de l' ARME A COMBINER ou + pour que la combinaison marche ( par exemple vous avez un LEVEL 38 et l' arme à combiner est de 42, vous ne pourrez pas le combiner tout de suite ).

Aller dans MENU, choisir TOADY, vous pouvez =
- combiner
- analyser
- Déplacer
- ranger

Pour savoir quelles armes à combiner avec les autres, choisir = ANALYSER, TOADY vous donnera une OPINION de combinaisons des armes possibles à faire ( il vous donnera la meilleure combinaison pour vos armes sans utiliser trop de LEVELS entre les armes ) mais vous pouvez chercher vos propres combinaisons.
ACHETER des ARMES au magasin d' armes de ZERARD ( COTE - EST et COTE - OUEST ), à ROSA, JURAIKA ( au village ), VEDAN et ALISTIA.
Il faut savoir que plus vous avez des armes de LEVELS ELEVES plus vous pourrez combiner de puissantes armes ( disponibles après le donjon " LABYRINTH " ).



_ Binding Frost fois 2 = Apollon Shooter ( LV 26 )
_ slungrosse + Burning Blaster = BODY ARMS ( LV 5 )
_ Flamethrower + Cold Spray =
_ Graverosse + Slungrosse =
_ Graverosse + Binding Frost = Radical Frost ( LV 20 )
_ Monography shot + rien = arme ne peut être combinée
_ Burning Blaster + Rumblerosse =
_ Freeze Shot + rien = arme ne peut - être combinée
_ Binding Frost + Destructo Blaster =
_ Apollon Shooter + Burning Blaster DX = Apollon Shooter ( LV 26 )
_ Justice Slash ( LV 28 ) + Tyrant Blaster ( LV 13 ) = Code of Justice ( LV 31 )
_ Code of Justice ( LV 31 ) + Collisto Shooter =
_ Code of Justice + Tyrant Blaster = Zenon D ( LV 37 )
_ Code of Justice + Frost Magnum DX = Zenon D ( LV 37 )
_ Code of Justice + Burning Blaster DX = Code of Justice
_ Zenon D ( LV 37 ) + Callisto Shooter =
_ Frost Magnum DX + Body Arms = Radical Frost ( LV 20 )
_ Frost Magnum DX + Burning Blaster DX = King Shooter ( LV 18 )
_ Burning Buster DX + Burning Blaster =
_ King Shooter ( LV 18 ) + zenon D ( LV 37 ) = Lord Hades ( LV 39 )
_ Zenon D ( LV 37 ) + king Shooter ( LV 18 ) = Lord Hades ( LV 39 )
_ Zenon D + Tyrant Blaster ( LV 13 ) = ZENON D + ( LV 41 )
_ Zenon D + Body arms ( LV 5 ) = ZENON D + ( LV 41 )
_ Zenon D + + Burning Blaster DX ( LV 8 ) = Lord Hades ( LV 39 )
_ Zenon D + + Slungrosse ( LV 1 ) = Lord Hades ( LV 39 )
_ Zenon D + + King Shooter ( LV 18 ) = Orion ( LV 43 )
_ Zenon + + Tyrant Blaster ( LV 13 ) = Zenon DR - 3 ( LV 42 )
_ Zenon + + Frost Magnum DX = Zenon DR - 3 ( LV 42 )
_ Orion ( LV 43 ) + Justice Strike =
_ Orion + Frost Magnum DX = Zenon Hi - EX ( LV 44 )
_ Orion + King Shooter ( LV 18 ) = Zenon Hi - EX ( LV 44 )
_ Chaos Vulture ( LV 31 ) + Lord Shooter =
_ Chaos Vulture + King Shooter ( LV 18 ) + Zenon D ( LV 37 )
_ Chaos Vulture + Burning Blaster DX ( LV 8 ) = Black Owl ( LV 33 )
_ Chaos Vulture + Tyrant Blaster ( LV 13 ) = Code of Justice ( LV 31 )
_ Chaos Vulture + Orion ( LV 43 ) = VITA ORION ( LV 46 )
_ Callisto Shooter ( LV 22 ) + Tyrant Blaster =
_ Callisto Shooter + Chaos Vulture ( LV 31 ) = Zenon D ( LV 37 )
_ Fairy Edges ( LV 23 ) + Siren' s Nails =
_ Fairy Edges + Belladonna Needles ( LV 32 ) = Alterna Goddesses ( LV 41 )
_ Belladonna Needles ( LV 32 ) + Lightning Edges =
_ Vita Orion ( LV 46 ) + Zenon D ( LV 37 ) = Pleiades ( LV 47 )
_ Black Owl ( LV 33 ) + Radical Frost =
_ Callisto Shooter ( LV 22 ) + Tyrant Blaster = Zenon HI - EX ( LV 44 )
_ Zenon D ( LV 37 ) + Callisto Shooter ( LV 22 ) =
_ Chaos Vulture ( LV 31 ) + Lord Shooter =
_ Zenon HI - EX ( LV 44 ) + Code of justice =
_ Zenon HI - EX + Vita Orion ( LV 46 ) = ARC SCORPION ( LV 48 )
_ Zenon HI - EX + Chaos Vulture ( LV 31 ) = Zenon HI - EX
_ Zenon HI - EX + Black Owl ( LV 33 ) = Pleiades ( LV 47 )


_ Ridge Crusher + Rock Crusher = Gaea Crusher ( LV 8 )
_ Shining Horn + Star Edge =
_ Shining Horn + Crimson Fever = Core Breaker ( LV 18 )
_ Metal Breaker + Gaea crusher =
_ DESERT SEEKER I + TOADY ne sait pas pour la combinaison de cette arme puissante dont
ou Desert Seeker II + ( Shing Horn ou Ridge Crusher ou Star Edge ou Rock Crusher ) = Desert Seeker II
_ Desert Seeker I + ( Rock Crusher ou Ridge Crusher + Shining Horn ou Crimson Fever ) = Desert Seeker I ( LV 3 )
_ STAR EDGE + Shining Horn = Shining Blazon ( LV 11 )
_ Star Edge + Rock Crusher = Volcano Crusher ( LV 5 )
_ Star Edge + Grand Edge =
_ Star Edge + Shining Blazon = Rising Soul ( LV 13 )
_ Star Edge fois 2 = Shining Horn ( LV 6 )
_ SHINING BLAZON + Metal Breaker = Sparo Breaker ( LV 20 )
_ Shining Blazon ( LV 11 ) fois 2 = Solar Sword ( LV 16 )
_ Apollon Shooter + Graverosse = Justice Slash ( LV 28 )
_ Metal Breaker + Star Edge = Solar Sword ( LV 16 )
_ DESERT SEEKER II + Murakumo Type - O = DESERT SEEKER III ( l' épée " Murakumo Type - O ", on achète à Zerard, côté EST ) = LV 21.
_ Desert Seeker III + Alex Decider ( LV 26 ) = EARTHSHAKER ( LV 40 avec 373 d' ATK ) = acheter l' épée " Alex Decider " à ROSA ).
_ Murakumo Type - 0 ( LV 19 ) + Metal Breaker ( LV 15 ) = Alex Impulse ( LV 25 )
_ Alex Decider ( LV 26 ) + Full Breaker =
_ Alex Decider + Murakumo Type - 0 = Diamond Freezer ( LV 32 )
_ Alex Decider ( LV 26 ) + Spirit Calibur ( LV 38 ) = + LV 42
_ Diamond Freezer ( LV 32 ) + Murakumo Type - 0 =
_ Diamond Freezer + Metal Breaker = Zelega Zenega ( LV 37 )
_ Diamond Freezer + Shining Blazon = Spirit Calibur ( LV 38 )
_ Diamond Freezer + Wild Edge = Dom Zolga ( LV 35 )
_ Diamond Freezer + Shining Horn = Zelega Zenega ( LV 37 )
_ Diamond Freezer + Star Edge = Phantom Slayer ( LV 36 )
_ Diamond Freezer + Gaea Crusher = Zelega Zenega ( LV 37 )
_ Diamond Freezer + Plain Edge = Dom Zolga ( LV 35 )
_ Spirit Calibur ( LV 38 ) + Sparo Breaker =
_ Spirit Calibur + Metal Breaker ( LV 15 ) = Grand Calibur ( LV 39 )
_ Spirit Calibur + Shining Horn = Arc Calibur
_ Spirit Calibur + Shining Blazon ( LV 6 ) = Gust Bringer ( LV 40 )
_ Spirit Calibur + Star Edge ( LV 4 ) = Zelega Zenega ( LV 37 )
_ Spirit Calibur + Gaea Crusher ( LV 8 ) = Arc Calibur ( LV 39 )
_ Spirit Calibur + Wild Edge = Spirit Calibur ( LV 38 )
_ Spirit Calibur + Plain Edge = Spirit Calibur
_ Spirit Calibur fois 2 = Adamon Raiser ( LV 45 )
_ Spirit Calibur ( LV 38 ) + Alex Decider ( LV 26 ) = GUNDARION ( LV 44 )
_ Spirit Calibur ( LV 38 ) + DESERT SEEKER III ( LV 21 ) = EARTHSHAKER ( LV 40 )
_ Spirit Calibur + Lucifer' s Adamon ( LV 46 ) = Majestic Halo ( LV 47 )
_ Gundarion ( LV 44 ) + Olympias =
_ Gundarion + DESERT SEEKER III = Earthshaker ( LV 40 )
_ Gundarion + Gaea Crusher ( LV 8 = demon Medium ( LV 44 )
_ Gundarion + Shining Horn ( LV 6 ) = Demon Medium
_ Gundarion + Metal Breaker ( LV 15 ) = Adamon Raiser ( LV 45 )
_ Gundarion + Star Edge ( LV 4 ) = Demon Medium
_ Gundarion + Shining Blazon ( LV 11 ) = Gundarion
_ Gundarion + Plain Edge ( LV 1 ) = Demon Rouser ( LV 43 )
_ Gundarion + Wild Edge ( LV 2 ) = Demon Rouser ( LV 43 )
_ Gundarion ( LV 44 ) + Alex Decider ( LV 26 ) = LUCIFER' S ADAMON ( LV 46 )
_ Lucifer' Adamon ( LV 46 ) + saba Garuda =
_ Lucifer' s Adamon + Alex Decider ( LV 26 ) = Lucifer' s Adamon
_ Lucifer' s Adamon + DESERT SEEKER III = Earthshaker ( LV 40 )
_ Lucifer' s Adamon + Adamon Raiser ( LV 45 ) = Absolution Halo ( LV 48 )
_ Lucifer' s Adamon + Zeo Sychros ( LV 44 ) = Zeo Sychros II ( LV 47 )
_ Libra King' s Sword ( LV 30 ) = forte arme qui ne s' analyse pas comme DESERT SEEKER
_ Libra King' s Sword + Gundarion = Libra King' s Pride ( LV 33 )
_ Libra King' s Sword + DESERT SEEKER III = impossible
_ Libra King' s Sword + Metal Breaker ( LV 15 ) = Libra King' s Pride ( LV 33 )
_ Libra King' s Sword + Alex Decider ( LV 26 ) = Libra King Pride ( LV 33 )
_ Libra King' s Pride ( LV 33 ) + Alex Decider ( LV 26 ) = Libra King' s Fury ( LV 36 )
_ Libra King' s Pride + Gundarion ( LV 44 ) = Libra King' s Fury ( LV 36 )
_ Libra King' s Fury ( LV 36 ) + Gundarion ( LV 44 ) = Ruler' s Horn ( LV 40 )
_ Libra King' s Fury + Alex Decider ( LV 26 ) = Ruler' s Horn ( LV 40 )
_ Ruler' Horn ( LV 40 ) + Lucifer' s Adamon ( LV 46 ) = Ruler' s Horn
_ Saba Luga ( LV 31 ) + Solar Sword =
_ Saba Luga + Alex Decider ( LV 26 ) = Grand Calibur ( LV 41 )
_ Saba Luga + Desert Seeker III = Earthshaker ( LV 40 )
_ Saba Luga + Ruler' s Horn ( LV 40 ) = Ruler' s Horn
_ Saba Luga + Lucifer' s Adamon ( LV 46 ) = Majectic Halo ( LV 47 )
_ Grand Calibur ( LV 41 ) + Blizzard Edge =
_ Grand Calibur + Lucifer' s Adamon ( LV 46 ) = Absolution Halo ( LV 48 )
_ Grand Calibur + Alex Decider ( LV 26 ) = Gundarion ( LV 44 )
_ Grand Calibur + Desert Seeker III = Earthshaker ( LV 40 )
_ Grand Calibur fois 2 = Dazzling Halo ( LV 46 )
_ Grand Calibur + Spirit Calibur ( LV 38 ) = Lucifer' s Adamon ( LV 46 )
_ Judgement Halo ( LV 46 ) + Arc Calibur =
_ Judgement Halo + Spirit Calibur ( LV 38 ) = Majestic Halo ( LV 47 )
_ Judgement Halo + Alex Decider ( LV 26 ) = Lucifer' s Adamon ( LV 46 )
_ Judgement Halo + Lucifer' s Adamon ( LV 46 ) = Absolution Halo ( LV 48 avec 314 d' ATK )
_ Judgement Halo + Grand Calibur ( LV 41 ) = Absolution Halo ( LV 48 )
_ Judgement Halo + Adamon Raiser ( LV 45 ) = Absolution Halo ( LV 48 )
_ Phantom Slayer ( LV 36 ) + Murakumo Type - X =
_ Phantom Slayer + Grand Calibur ( LV 41 ) = Judgement Halo ( LV 46 )
_ Phantom Slayer + Alex Decider ( LV 26 ) = Galeblazer ( LV 42 )
_ Phantom Slayer + Lucifer' s Adamon ( LV 46 ) = Majestic Halo ( LV 47 )
_ Blizzard Edge ( LV 28 ) + Solar Sword =
_ Blizzard Edge + Spirit Calibur ( LV 38 ) = Gundarion ( LV 44 )
_ Murakumo Type - S ( LV 22 ) + Crimson Fever =
_ Murakumo Type - S ( LV 22 ) + Spirit Calibur = Grand Calibur ( LV 41 )
_ Murakumo Type - S + Blizzard Edge ( LV 28 ) = Dom Zolga ( LV 35 )
_ Saba Garuda ( LV 33 ) + Sparo Breaker =
_ Saba Garuda + Murakumo Type - S ( LV 22 ) = Gustbringer ( LV 40 )
_ Saba Garuda + Spirit Calibur ( LV 38 ) = Gundarion ( LV 44 )
_ Saba Garuda + Blizzard Edge ( LV 28 ) = Gustraiser ( LV 41 )
_ Zeo Sychros ( LV 44 ) = arme puissante donc impossible à analyser
_ Zeo Sychros + ( Earthshaker ou Ruler' s Horn ) = imossible
_ Zeo Sychros + Absolution Halo ( LV 48 ) = Zeo Sychros II ( LV 47 )
_ Zeo Sychros + Dazzling Halo ( LV 46 ) = Zeo Sychros II ( LV 47 )
_ Zeo Sychros + Adamon Raiser ( LV 45 ) = Zeo Sychros II ( LV 47 ) = avec 290 en ATK
_ Dazzling Halo ( LV 46 ) + Adamon Raiser ( LV 45 ) = Absolution Halo ( LV 48 )
_ Dazzling Halo + Judgment Halo ( LV 46 ) = Absolution Halo ( LV 48 )

EPEES SPECIALES DE JASTER = épées très puissantes trouvées sur le VAISSEAU FANTOME.

_ SWORD OF SIN ( LV 49 ) + pas d' analyse
_ Sword of Sin + Spirit Calibur ( LV 38 ) = Demon Blade Ashura ( LV 52 avec 330 en ATK = épée verte foncée )
_ Sword of Sin + Lucifer' s Adamon ( LV 46 ) = Demon Blade Ashura
_ Sword of Sin + Dazzling Halo ( LV 46 ) = Demon Blade Ashura ( LV 55 )
_ Sword of Sin + Judgment Halo ( LV 46 ) = Demon Blade Ashura
_ Sword of Sin + Absolution Halo ( LV 48 ) = Demon Blade Ashura
_ DEMON BLADE ASHANA ( LV 55 ) + Lucifer' s Adamon ( LV 46 ) = DIABOLOS ( LV 58 avec 400 en ATK = épée rouge foncée )
_ Demon Blade Ashana + Judgment Halo ( LV 46 ) = Diabolos 5 LV 58 )
_ Demon Blade Ashana + Absolution Halo ( LV 48 ) = Diabolos ( LV 58 )
_ DEMON BLADE ASHURA ( LV 52 ) + Lucifer' s Adamon ( LV 46 ) = Demon Blade Ashana ( LV 55 avec 350 en ATK )
_ Demon Blade Ashura + Dazzling Halo ( LV 46 ) = Demon Blade Ashana ( LV 55 )
_ Demon Blade Ashura + Absolution Halo ( LV 48 ) = Demon Blade Ashana
_ DORGENEDGE ( LV 54 ) + pas d' analyse
_ Dorgenedge + Absolution Halo ( LV 48 ) = Dorgensaber ( LV 56 )
_ Dorgenedge + Dazzling Halo ( LV 46 ) = Dorgensaber ( LV 56 )
_ Dorgenedge + Lucifer' s Adamon ( LV 46 ) = Dorgensaber
_ Dorgenedge + Judgment Halo ( LV 46 ) = Dorgensaber
_ Dorgenedge + Zeo Sychros II ( LV 47 ) = impossible
_ Dorgenedge + Earthshaker ( LV 40 ) = impossible
_ Dorgenedge + Saba Garuda ( LV 33 ) = Dorgensaber ( LV 56 )
_ Dorgenedge + Spirit Calibur = Dorgensaber ( LV 38 avec 395 en ATK = épée bleue )
_ DORGENSABER ( LV 56 ) + Dazzling Halo ( LV 46 ) = Dorgenbreaker ( LV 58 avec 428 en ATK = épée orange )
_ Dorgensaber + Lucifer' s Adamon ( LV 46 ) = Dorgenbreaker ( LV 58 )
_ Dorgensaber + Judgment Halo ( LV 46 ) = Dorgenbreaker ( LV 58 )
_ Dorgensaber + Adamon Raiser ( LV 45 ) = Dorgenbreaker
_ DORGENBREAKER ( LV 58 ) + Absolution Halo LV 48 ( avoir des épées supérieures au LEVEL 46 pour pouvoir combiner ) = DORGENCALIBUR ( LV 60 avec 500 en ATK = épée verte claire )



_ Pirate' s Glaives + Pirate' s Daggers = Cosmo Talismans ( LV 6 )
_ Cosmo Talismans ( LV 6 ) + Pirate' s Glaives = Final Blues ( LV 11 )
_ Cosmo Talismans ( LV 6 ) + Aqua Slashers ( LV 5 ) = Deep Slashers ( LV 8 )
_ Cosmo Talismans ( LV 6 ) + Luminous Batons ( LV 15 ) = Volt Batons ( LV 18 )
_ Cosmo Talismans + Mercy Sprites ( LV 22 ) = Mercy Spites ( LV 22 )
_ Pirate' s Glaives + Deep Aquas = Deep slashers ( LV 8 )
_ Deep Aquas ( LV 7 ) + Aqua Slashers ( LV 5 ) = Final Blues ( LV 11 )
_ Pirate' s Ashes ( LV 2 ) + Pirate' s Glaives ( LV 3 ) = Cosmo Talismans ( LV 6 )
_ Pirate' s Ashes + Aqua Slashers ( LV5 ) = Cosmo Talismans ( LV 6 )
_ Pirate' s Daggers + Aqua Slashers ( LV 5 ) = Cosmo Talismans
_ Pirate' s Daggers + Pirate' s Glaives = Cosmo Talismans ( LV 6 )
ou Pirate' s Daggers + Deep Aquas = Cosmo Talismans ( LV 6 )
_ Mercy Sprites ( LV 22 ) + Final Blues = Innocent Fairies ( LV 26 )
_ Mercy Sprites ( LV 22 ) + Aqua Slashers ( LV 5 ) = Fairy Edges ( LV 23 )
_ Luminous Batons ( LV 15 ) + Final Blues = Mercy Sprites ( LV 22 )
_ Luminous Batons ( LV 15 ) + Merci Sprites ( LV 22 ) =Innocent Fairies ( LV 26 )
_ Innocent Fairies ( LV 26 ) + Volt Batons =
_ Innocent Fairies ( LV 26 ) + Luminous Batons = DEVIL SLINGERS ( LV 31 )
_ Luminous Batons + Pirate' s Daggers = Cosmo Jades ( LV 16 )
_ Final Blues + Aqua Slashers = Final Blues
_ Final Blues + Deep Aquas = Cosmo Jades ( LV 16 )
_ Sirius' Claws ( LV 9 ) + Aqua Slashers = Luminous Batons ( LV 15 )
_ Sirius' Claws + Final Blues = Luminous Batons ( LV 15 )
_ Sirius' Claws + Mercy Sprites ( LV 22 ) = Lightning Edges ( LV 24 )
_ Sirius' Claws + Luminous Batons ( LV 15 ) = Sparkling Pixies ( LV 19 )
_ Aqua Slashers fois 2 = Deep Aquas
_ Splendid Daggers ( LV 27 ) + Cosmo Jades =
_ Splendid Daggers + Cosmo Talismans = daggers of Life ( LV 28 )
_ Splendid Daggers + Innocent Fairies ( LV 26 ) = Astro Tonfas ( LV 36 )
_ Splendid Daggers + Luminous Batons = Devil Slingers ( LV 31 )
_ Astro Tonfas ( LV 36 ) + Aqua Slashers = Astro Tonfas
_ Astro Tonfas + Mist Edges =
_ Astro Tonfas + Luminous Batons =
_ Astro Tonfas + Sirius' Claws = Despera Tonfas ( LV 38 )
_ Astro Tonfas + Pirate' s Ashes = Astro Tonfas
_ Astro Tonfas + Pirate' s Daggers = Astro Tonfas
_ Astro Tonfas ( LV 36 ) + Splendid Daggers ( LV 27 ) = Alterna Goddesses ( LV 41 )
_ Astro Tonfas + Aqua Slashers ( LV 5 ) = Astro Tonfas
_ Astro Tonfas + Luminous Batons ( LV 15 ) = Moebius Knives ( LV 40 )
_ Astro Tonfas + Sirius' Claws ( LV 9 ) = Despera Tonfas ( LV 38 )
_ Astro Tonfas ( LV 36 ) + Cosmo Talismans ( LV 6 ) = Basilisk Tails ( LV 34 )
_ Alterna Goddesses ( LV 41 ) + Devil Slingers =
_ Alterna Goddesses ( LV 41 ) + Splendid Daggers ( LV 27 ) = TWIN UROBOROS ( LV 45 )
_ Alterna Goddesses ( LV 41 ) + Luminous Batons ( LV 15 ) Chaining Blade ( LV 43 )
_ Twin Uroboros ( LV 45 ) + Despera Tonfas =
_ Rune Breakers ( LV 30 ) + Volt Batons =
_ Rune Breakers + Twin Uroboros ( LV 45 ) = Twin Uroboros
_ Rune Breakers + Splendid Daggers ( LV 27 ) = Despera Tonfas ( LV 38 )
_ Rune Breakers + Innocent Fairies ( LV 26 ) = Despera Tonfas ( LV 38 )
_ Rune breakers + Luminous batons ( LV 15 ) = Basilisk Tails ( LV 34 )
_ Despera Tonfas ( LV 38 ) + Ancient Daggers =
_ Despera Tonfas + Splendid Daggers ( LV 27 ) = Chaining Blades ( LV 43 )
_ Despera Tonfas + Twin Uroboros ( LV 45 ) = SNOW QUEENS ( LV 48 )
_ Despera Tonfas + innocent Fairies ( LV 26 ) = Chaining Blades ( LV 43 )
_ Despera Tonfas + Luminous Batons ( LV 15 ) = Alterna Goddesses ( LV 41 )
_ Despera Tonfas + Rune Breakers ( LV 30 ) = Andromedas ( LV 44 )
_ Ancient Daggers ( LV 25 ) + Deep Daggers =
_ Ancient Daggers + Rune Breakers ( LV 30 ) = Basilisk Tails ( LV 34 )
_ Ancient Daggers + Innocent Fairies ( LV 26 ) = Arhat' s Tonfas ( LV 33 )
_ Ancient Daggers + Fairy Edges ( LV 23 ) = Devil Slingers ( LV 31 )
_ Moebius Knives ( LV 40 ) + Volt Batons =
_ Moebius Knives + Belladonna Needles ( LV 32 ) = Twin Uroboros ( LV 45 )
_ Moebius Knives fois 2 = Andromesias ( LV 46 )
_ Andromesias ( LV 46 ) + Belladonna Needles ( LV 32 ) = Androphantes ( LV 47 )
_ Chaining Blades ( LV 43 ) + Devil Forks =
_ Chaining Blades + Andromesias ( LV 46 ) = Snow Queens ( LV 48 )
_ Chaining Blades + Belladonna Needles ( LV 32 ) = Twin Uroboros ( LV 45 )
_ Chaining Blades + Innocent Fairies ( LV 26 ) = Andromesias ( LV 46 )
_ Chaining Blades + Rune Breakers ( LV 30 ) = Andromesias ( LV 46 )


_ Aerie Sneakers + Prime Sneakers =
_ Aerie Sneakers ( LV 5 ) + Lovely Taps ( LV 22 ) = CUTIE STEPS ( LV 26 )
_ Aerie Sneakers ( LV 5 ) + Violet Stars ( LV 6 ) = Wishing Stars ( LV 10 )
_ Aerie Sneakers + Wild Boots = Lovely Taps ( LV 22 )
_ Violet Stars + Mode Sneakers = Prime Sneakers ( LV 8 )
_ Leather Sneakers + Violet Stars = Prime Sneakers ( LV 8 )
_ Leather Sneakers ( LV 1 ) + Wishing Stars ( LV 10 ) = Prime Sneakers ( LV 8 )
_ Lovely Taps + Wishing Stars = Aura Shoes ( LV 29 )
_ Lovely Taps ( LV 22 ) + Wild Boots ( LV 18 ) = DANCING CHARMERS ( LV 31 )
_ Dancing Charmers ( LV 31 ) + Lovely Taps ( LV 22 ) = ARTEMIS SHOES ( LV 38 )
_ Artemis Shoes ( LV 38 ) + Dancing Charmers =
_ Artemis Shoes ( LV 38 ) + Lovely Taps = Rose Pumps ( LV 44 )
_ Artemis Shoes + Siren Stars ( LV 13 ) = + LV 41
_ Artemis Shoes + Wishing Stars ( LV 10 ) = + LV 41
_ Artemis Shoes + Violet Stars ( LV 6 ) = + LV 41
_ Artemis Shoes + Prime Sneakers ( LV 8 ) = + LV 41
_ Artemis Shoes + Mode Sneakers ( LV 3 ) = Demon Slippers ( LV 41 )
_ Dancing Charmers ( LV 31 ) + Siren Stars ( LV 13 ) = ATHENA SHOES ( LV 34 )
_ Wishing Stars + Mode Sneakers ( LV 3 ) = Mist Boots ( LV 14 )
_ Wishing Stars ( LV 10 ) + Lovely Taps ( LV 22 ) = Aura Shoes ( LV 29 )
_ Pirate' s Ashes + Cosmo Talismans =
_ Aqua Slashers + Pirate' s Glaives =
_ Mode Sneakers ( LV 3 ) + Lovely Taps ( LV 22 ) = Sprydes ( LV 24 )
_ Wild Boots ( LV 18 ) + Prime Sneakers = Sprydes ( LV 24 )
_ Siren Stars ( LV 13 ) + Prime Sneakers =
_ Siren Stars + Wild Boots ( LV 18 ) = Cutie Steps ( LV 26 )
_ Siren Stars + Lovely Taps ( LV 22 ) = Glamorous Beats ( LV 28 )
_ Prime Sneakers + Mode Sneakers ( LV 3 ) = Mist Boots ( LV 14 )
_ Rose Pumps ( LV 44 ) + Athena Shoes =
_ Rose Pumps + Wild Boots ( LV 18 ) = Enamel Roses ( LV 46 )
_ Rose Pumps + Lovely Taps ( LV 22 ) = Enamel Roses ( LV 46 )
_ Rose Pumps + Siren Stars ( LV 13 ) = sailing Flora ( LV 45 )
_ Rose Pumps + Wishing Stars = Sailing Flora ( LV 45 )
_ Rose Pumps + Prime Sneakers ( LV 8 ) = Sailing Flora
_ Enamel Roses ( LV 46 ) + Aurora Shoes =
_ Enamel Roses + Lovely Taps = Sailing Flora ( LV 45 )
_ Enamel Roses + Wild Boots = Sailing Flora
_ Enamel Roses + Siren Stars = Sailing Flora
_ Enamel Roses ( LV 46 ) fois 2 = Matriarch' s Roses ( LV 48 )



_ Half - Moon rising + Lunar Glint = Spectral Gleam ( LV 6 )
_ Half - Moon Rising ( LV 4 ) + Half - Moon Dawn ( LV 3 ) = Spectral Gleam ( LV 6 )
_ Half - Moon Rising + Iron Demon = Demon' s Bane ( LV 9 )
_ Iron Demon + Half - Moon rising =
_ Iron Demon + Frozen Slasher = Vermillion Flare ( LV 16 )
ou Frozen Slasher + Half - Moon Rising = Vermillion Flare ( LV 16 )
_ Lunar Glint + Iron Demon =
_ Lunar Glint + Half - Moon Dawn =
_ Frozen Slasher + Vajra' s Might =
_ Ice Demon Fang ( LV 18 ) + Vajra' s Might =
_ Ice Demon Fang ( LV 18 ) + Frozen Slasher ( LV 15 ) = Violet Nimbus ( LV 23 )
_ Violet Nimbus ( LV 23 ) + Crimson Blaze =
_ Violet Nimbus ( LV 23 ) + Half - Moon Rising = Violaceaus Halos ( LV 24 )
_ Violet Nimbus + Iron Demon = Violaceaus Halos ( LV 24 )
_ Violet Nimbus + Diabolic Shredder = Crescent Moon ( LV 25 )
_ Crescent Moon ( LV 25 ) + Diabolic Shredder = Wicked Moon ( LV 28 )
_ Crescent Moon + Iron Demon = Demon' s Bane ( LV 9 )
_ Crescent Moon ( LV 25 ) + Lunar Glint = Ultraviolet Saber ( LV 26 )
_ Ridge Crusher ( LV 5 ) + Rock Crusher =
_ Half - Moon Dawn ( LV 3 ) + Spectral Gleam =
_ Diabolic Shreadder ( LV 7 ) + Iron Demon = Vajra' s Might ( LV 11 )
_ Vermillion Flare ( LV 16 ) + Vajra' s Might =
_ Vermillion Flare + Crescent Moon ( LV 25 ) = Divine Serpent ( LV 29 )
_ Vermillion Flare + Iron Demon = Vermillion Flare
_ Vermillion Flare + Diabolic Shredder = Azure Frost ( LV 19 )
_ Vermillion Flare + Half - Moon Dawn = Vermillion Flare
_ Vermillion Flare + Lunar Glint = Vermillion Flare
_ Divine Serpent ( LV 29 ) + Frozen Slasher =
_ Divine Serpent + Diabolic Shredder = Moon Shade ( LV 30 )
_ Divine Serpent + Half - Moon Dawn = jeweled Dragon ( LV 31 )
_ Divine Serpent + Half - Moon Rising ( LV 4 ) = Jeweled Dragon ( LV 31 )
_ Divine Serpent + Lunar Glint ( LV 1 ) = Jeweled Dragon ( LV 31 )
_ jewered Dragon ( LV 31 ) + Blue Stare =
_ jewered Dragon + half - Moon Dawn ( LV 3 ) = Moon Shade ( LV 30 )
_ Jewered Dragon + Half - Moon Rising = Cloudsplitter ( LV 32
_ Jewered Dragon + Diabolic Shredder ( LV 7 ) = Cloudsplitter ( LV 32 )
_ jewered Dragon + Iron Demon ( LV 5 ) = Cloudsplitter ( LV 32 )
_ Cloudsplitter ( LV 32 ) + Violaceous Halo =
_ Cloudsplitter + Half - Moon Dawn = Archfiend' s Blade ( LV 33 )
_ Cloudsplitter + Diabolic Shredder = Dragon' s Ascent ( LV 35 )
_ Cloudsplitter + Iron Demon = Dragon' s Ascent ( LV 35 )
_ Cloudsplitter + Vermillion Flare ( LV 16 ) = Sword of Purgatory ( LV 39 )
_ Cloudsplitter + Hundred Hells ( LV 41 ) = Phantasmic Glaive ( LV 45 )
_ Cloudsplitter + Enchanting Ogre ( LV 46 ) = Pandemonium Mistress ( LV 47 )
_ Cloudsplitter + Ice Demon Fang ( LV 18 ) = Sword of Purgatory ( LV 39 )
_ Vermillion Flare ( LV 16 ) + Demonic Karma ( LV 37 ) = PHANTOM DREAM ( LV 40 )
_ Phantom Dream ( LV 40 ) + Ice Demon Fang =
_ Phantom Dream ( LV 40 ) + Diabolic Shredder ( LV 7 ) = Hundred Hells ( LV 41 )
_ Phantom Dream + Enchanting Ogre ( LV 46 ) = Pandemonium Mistress ( LV 47 )
_ Phantom Dream ( LV 40 ) fois 2 = Enchanting Ogre ( LV 46 )
_ Phantom Dream + Enchanting Ogre ( LV 46 ) = Pandemonium Mistress ( LV 47 )
_ Hundred Hells ( LV 41 ) + Ultraviolet saber =
_ Dragon' s Ascent ( LV 35 ) + Wicked Moon =
_ Dragon' s Ascent + Diabolic Shredder ( LV 7 ) = Dragon' s Ascent ( LV 35 )
_ Dragon' s Ascent + Half - Moon Dawn ( LV 3 ) = Demonic Karma ( LV 37 )
_ Demonic Karma + Violet Lightning =
_ Hundred Hells ( LV 41 ) + Vermillion Flare ( LV 16 ) = Hundred Hells
_ Archfiend' s Blade ( LV 33 ) + Vermillion Flare = Sword of Purgatory ( LV 39 )
_ Archfiend' s Blade + Hundred Hells ( LV 41 ) = Phantasmic Glaive ( LV 45 )
_ Archfiend' s Blade + Ice Demon Fang ( LV 18 ) = Sword of Purgatory ( LV 39 )
_ Sword of Purgatory ( LV 39 ) + Crescent Moon =
_ Sword of Purgatory + Ice Demon Fang ( LV 18 ) = Matchless Vision ( LV 42 )
_ Sword of Purgatory + Vermillion Flare ( LV16 ) = Matchless Vision ( LV 42 )
_ Sword of Purgatory + Hundred Hells ( LV 41 ) = Enchanting Ogre ( LV 46 )
_ Enchanting Ogre + Hundred Hells ( LV 41 ) = Pandomonium Mistress ( LV 47 )
_ Enchanting Ogre ( LV 46 ) fois 2 = HADES CHILD ( LV 48 )
_ Enchanting Ogre + Hundred Hells ( LV 41 ) = Enchanting Ogre
_ Matchless Vision ( LV 42 ) + Azure Moon =
_ Matchless Vision + Vermillion Flare ( LV 16 ) = Rousing Vision ( LV 43 )
_ Matchless Vision + Ice Demon Fang ( LV 18 ) = Rousing Vision ( LV 43 )
_ Matchless Vision + Hundred Hells ( LV 41 ) = Pandemonium Mistress ( LV 47 )
_ Matchless Vision + Archfiend' s Blade ( LV 33 ) = Enchanting Ogre ( LV 46 )


_ Bolt Shuriken + shuriken Deux =
_ Shuriken + Bolt Shuriken = Vortex Star ( LV 9 )
_ Flame Shuriken ( LV 17 ) + Bolt Shuriken = Ice Wheel ( LV 22 )
_ Gust Shuriken ( LV 5 ) + Vortex Star = Celestial Strike ( LV 16 )
_ Vortex Star + Bolt Shuriken =
_ Icy Wheel ( LV 22 ) + Bolt Deux =
_ Ice Wheel ( LV 22 ) + Vortex Star = Winter' s Chill ( LV 28 )
_ Ice Wheel ( LV 22 ) + Gust Shuriken = Ice Wheel Deux ( LV 26 )
_ Winter' s Chill ( LV 28 ) + Celestial Strike =
_ Winter' s Chill + Gust Shuriken = Starlight ( LV 29 )
_ Winter' s Chill + Half - Moon Rising = Ultraviolet Saber ( LV 26 )
_ Winter' s Chill + Half - Moon Dawn = Ultraviolet Saber ( LV 26 )
_ Winter' s Chill + Blizzard ( LV 31 ) = Savage Beast ( LV 41 )
_ Blizzard ( LV 31 ) + Ice Wheel =
_ Blizzard + Winter' s Chill ( LV 28 ) =
_ Blizzard + Gust Shuriken = Starlight Deux ( LV 33 )
_ Savage Beast ( LV 41 ) + Starlight Deux =
_ Savage Beast ( LV 41 ) + Blizzard ( LV 31 ) = Moon Bay ( LV 45 )
_ Moon Bay ( LV 45 + Blizzard ( LV 31 ) = Moon Bay
_ Moon Bay + Gust Shuriken ( LV 5 ) = White Wolf ( LV 42 )
_ Moon Bay ( LV 45 ) fois 2 = Soaring tengu ( LV 48 )
_ Alkaid ( LV 35 ) + Winter' s Chill =
_ Alkaid + Blizzard ( LV 31 ) = Tengu Cross ( LV 44 )
_ Alkaid + Moon Bay ( LV 45 ) = Moon Bay
_ Tengu Cross ( LV 44 ) + Alkaid =
_ Tengu Cross + Moon Bay ( LV 45 ) = Soaring Tengu ( LV 48 )
_ Bolt Deux ( LV 11 ) + Shuriken Deux =
_ Bolt Deux + Gust Shuriken ( LV 5 ) = White lightning ( LV 13 )
_ Arachnitengu ( LV 47 ) + Moon Bay ( LV 45 ) = Soaring Tengu ( LV 48 )
_ Arachnitengu + Tengu Cross ( LV 44 ) = Soaring Tengu ( LV 48 )
_ Famished Wolf ( LV 37 ) + Blazing Star =
_ Famished Wolf fois 2 = Moon Bay ( LV 45 )
_ Famished Wolf + Moon Bay ( LV 45 ) = Moon Bay



_ Hunter' s Hatchet + Triton Hatchet = Hermit' s Hatchet ( LV 18 )
_ Triton Hatchet + Warrior' s Hatchet
_ Triton Hatchet + Hermit' s Hatchet = Sea Dragon Hatchet ( LV 23 )
_ Hermit' s Hatchet + Mermaid Hatchet = Black Widow Hatchet ( LV 25 )
_ Black Widow Hatchet ( LV 25 ) + Hermit' s Hatchet =
_ Black Widow Hatchet ( LV 25 ) + Mud Spider Hatchet ( LV 22 ) = Dark Orochi Hatchet ( LV 29 )
_ Black Widow Hatchet + Maneater' s Hatchet = Typhon' s Hatchet ( LV 33 )
_ Mud Spider Hatchet ( LV 22 ) + Triton Hatchet ( LV 16 ) = Maneater' s Hatchet ( LV 28 )
_ Maneater' s Hatchet ( LV 28 ) + Mermaid Hatchet =
_ Typhon' s Hatchet ( LV 33 ) + Maneater' s Hatchet =
_ Typhon' s Hatchet + Mud Spider Hatchet = Oread Hatchet ( LV 36 )
_ Typhon' s Hatchet + Hunter' s Hatchet = Hamadryad Hatchet ( LV 35 )
_ Babylon' s Hatchet ( LV 31 ) + Sea Dragon Hatchet =
_ Babylon' s Hatchet + Oread Hatchet ( LV 36 ) = Gale Goddess Hatchet ( LV 45 )
_ Babylon' s Hatchet + Hunter' s Hatchet ( LV 10 ) = Spirit Hatchet ( LV 32 )
_ Spirit Hatchet ( LV 32 ) = Sea Dragon Hatchet =
_ Spirit Hatchet + Gread Hatchet ( LV 36 ) = Unicorn Hatchet ( LV 44 )
_ Spirit Hatchet + Babylon' s Hatchet ( LV 31 ) = Spark Dragon Hatchet ( LV 41 )
_ Spirit Hatchet + Hunter' s Hatchet = Hamadryad Hatchet ( LV 35 )
_ Spirit Hatchet + Mermaid Hatchet = Typhon' s Hatchet ( LV 33 )
_ Mermaid Hatchet ( LV 19 ) + Warrior' s Hatchet =
_ Gale Goddess Hatchet ( LV 45 ) + Typhon' s Hatchet =
_ Shark Hatchet ( LV 20 ) + Hermit' s Hatchet = Hellcrawler Hatchet ( LV 26 )
_ Hermit' s Hatchet ( LV 18 ) + Warrior' s Hatchet =
_ Ice Wolf Hatchet ( LV 42 ) + Spirit Hatchet =
_ Ice Wolf Hatchet + Gale Goddess Hatchet ( LV 45 ) = Beast King Hatchet ( LV 47 )
_ Ice Wolf Hatchet fois 2 = Beast King Hatchet ( LV 47 )
_ Beast King Hatchet ( LV 47 ) + Gale Goddess Hatchet ( LV 45 ) = Divine Beast Hatchet ( LV 48 )
_ Beast King Hatchet + Spirit Hatchet ( LV 32 ) = Divine Beast Hatchet ( LV 48 )
_ Beast King Hatchet fois 2 = Divine Beast Hatchet ( LV 48 )
_ Wanderlust Bow + sea Gazer Bow =
_ Gaea Bow + Wanderlust Bow = Earth and Sky Bow ( LV 16 )
_ Gaea Bow + Earth and Sky Bow = Ocean Explorer Bow ( LV 21 )
_ Ocean Explorer Bow + Wonderlust Bow = Forest Wonderer Bow ( LV 22 )
_ Forest Runner Bow + Ocean Explorer Bow = Windrider Bow ( LV 24 )
_ Forest Runner Bow + Sea Gazer Bow ( LV 15 ) = Windrider Bow ( LV 24 )
_ Windrider Bow ( LV 24 ) + Ocean Explorer Bow ( LV 21 ) = Sacred Wind Bow ( LV 28 )
_ Sacred Wind Bow ( LV 28 ) + Ocean Explorer Bow ( LV 21 ) = Mountain Nymph Bow ( LV 32 )
_ Mountain Nymph Bow ( LV 32 ) + Stormbringer Bow ( LV 26 ) = SPHINX MH - P ( LV 38 )
_ Mountain Nymph Bow ( LV 32 ) + Forest Runner Bow = Hapyunes SG ( LV 35 )
_ Mountain Nymph Bow + Tera Bow ( LV 13 ) = Mountain Nymph Bow
_ Mountain Nymph Bow + Wanderlust Bow ( LV 10 ) = Mountain Nymph Bow
_ Mountain Nymph Bow ( LV 32 ) + Stormbring Bow ( LV 26 ) = SPHINX MH - P ( LV 38 )
_ Sacred Wind Bow ( LV 28 ) + Sea Gazer Bow = Mountain Spirit Bow ( LV 29 )
_ Earth and Sky Bow + Sea Gazer Bow = Mother Ocean Bow ( LV 19 )
ou Gaea Bow + Sea Gazer Bow = Mother Ocean Bow ( LV 19 )
_ Sea Gazer Bow + Gaea Bow =
_ Sea Gazer Bow fois 2 = Sea Queller Bow ( LV 18 )
_ Sea Gazer Bow + Wanderlust Bow = Earth and Sky Bow ( LV 16 )
_ Sea Queller Bow ( LV 18 ) + Sea Gazer Bow = Ocean Explorer Bow ( LV 21 )
_ Terra Bow ( LV 13 ) + Earth and Sky Bow =
_ Terra Bow ( LV 13 ) + Wanderlust Bow ( LV 10 ) = Gaea Bow ( LV 14 )
_ Ocean Explorer Bow + Sea Gazer Bow = Ocean Explorer Bow ( LV21 )
_ Stormbringer Bow ( LV 26 ) + Ocean Explorer Bow =
_ Stormbringer Bow ( LV 26 ) + Forest Runner Bow ( LV 20 ) = Sacred Wind Bow ( LV 28 )
_ Stormbringer Bow + Terra Bow = Forest Divine Bow ( LV 25 )
_ Stormbringer Bow fois 2 = Sacred Wind Bow ( LV 28 )
_ Sphinx MH - P 5 LV 38 ) + Mountain Faerie Box =
_ Sphinx MH - P + Stormbring Bow ( LV 26 ) = Star Gatherer Bow ( LV 41 )
_ Sphinx MH - P + Wanderlust Bow ( LV 10 ) = Stellar Dream Bow ( LV 39 )
_ Sphinx MH - P + Forest Runner Bow ( LV 20 ) = Stellar Prayer Bow ( LV 41 )
_ Sphinx MH - P + Terra Bow ( LV 13 ) = Stellar Dream Bow ( LV 39 )
_ Star Prayer Bow ( LV 41 ) + Mountainsong Bow =
_ Star Prayer Bow + Terra Bow ( LV 13 ) = Stellar Prayer Bow
_ Stellar Prayer Bow ( LV 41 ) + Wanderlust Bow ( LV 10 ) = Stellar Prayer Bow
_ Stellar Prayer Bow + Stormbringer Bow ( LV 26 ) = Moonlight Bow ( LV 42 )
_ Moonlight Bow ( LV 42 ) + Stormbringer ( LV 26 ) = Sunstalker Bow ( LV 45 )
_ Sunstalker Bow ( LV 45 ) + Sphinx MH - P =
_ Moonbeam Bow ( LV 46 ) + Star Gatherer Bow =
_ Moonbeam Bow + Sunstalker Bow ( LV 45 ) = Sunslayer Bow ( LV 48 )
_ Sacred Wanderer Bow ( LV 34 ) + Sacred Wind Bow =



_ Ranger Pod I + Missile Pod II = Missile Pod IV ( LV 15 )
_ Combat Freak ( LV 20 ) + Ranger Pod I = Big Hawk ( LV 26 )
_ Missile Pod IV ( LV 15 ) + Missile Pod II =
_ Missile Pod IV + Missile Pod I = Missile Pod IV
_ Missile Pod I + Ranger Pod I = Missile Pod IV ( LV 15 )
_ Ranger Pod I fois 2 = Ranger Pod II ( LV 18 )
_ Gatling Launcher ( LV 31 ) + Quadra Bugaboo =
_ Gatling Launcher ( LV 31 ) + Combat Freak ( LV 20 ) = Lupine Pulser ( LV 36 )
_ Gatling Launcher + Combat Master ( LV 25 ) = Tragic Lycaon ( LV 40 )
_ Gatling Launcher + Ranger Pod II = Perfect Hunter ( LV 32 )
_ Gatling Launcher + Ranger Pod I ( LV 13 ) + Lupine Laucher ( LV 34 )
_ Gatling Launcher + Missile Pod I ( LV 1 ) = Lupine Laucher ( LV 34 )
_ Gatling Launcher + Combat Freak ( LV 20 ) = Lupine Pulser ( LV 36 )
_ Gatling Launcher + Missile Pod II ( LV 3 ) = Lupine Laucher ( LV 34 )
_ Ranger Pod II ( LV 18 ) + Missile Pod II =
_ Ranger Pod II + Missile Pod IV = Combat Freak ( LV 20 )
_ Combat Master ( LV 25 ) + Demolition Pod =
_ Combat Master ( LV 25 ) + Ranger Pod II ( LV 18 ) = Executioner ( LV 28 )
_ Combat Master ( LV 25 ) + Gatling Laucher ( LV 31 ) =
_ Missile Pod II + Missile Pod III =
_ Missile Pod II + Missile Pod IV = Combat Freak ( LV 20 )
_ Tragic Lycaon ( LV 40 ) + Savage Hawk =
_ Tragic Lycaon + Ranger Pod II ( LV 18 ) = Starving Tiger ( LV 41 )
_ Tragic Lycaon ( LV 40 ) + Ranger Pod I ( LV 13 ) = Starving Tiger ( LV 41 )
_ Tragic Lycaon + Combat Freak ( LV 20 ) = Tragic Lycaon
_ Tragic Lycaon + Missile Pod I = Starving Tiger ( LV 41 )
_ Tragic Lycaon + Missile Pod IV ( LV 15 ) = Starving Tiger
_ Tragic Lycaon + Missile Pod III ( LV 9 ) = Starving Tiger
_ Tragic Lycaon + Missile Pod II ( LV 3 ) = Starving Tiger 0
_ Tragic Lycaon + Pefect Hunter ( LV 32 ) = Targeted Schneider ( LV 45 )
_ Perfect Hunter ( LV 32 ) + Big Hawk =
_ Lupine Laucher ( LV 34 ) Executioner =
_ Big Hawk ( LV 26 ) + Ranger Pod II =
_ Lupine Laucher ( LV 34 ) + Big hawk ( LV 26 ) = Starving Tiger ( LV 41 )
_ Leopard Aim ( LV 42 ) + Gatling Launcher =
_ Leopard Aim + Perfect Hunter ( LV 32 ) = Heavenly Vision ( LV 46 )
_ Heavenly Vision ( LV 46 ) + Lupine Launcher ( LV 34 ) = Paradise Lost ( LV 48 )
_ Heavenly Vision + Leopard Aim ( LV 42 ) = Paradise Lost ( LV 48 )


_ Flamethrower + Cold Spray =
_ Electro Nozzle + Cold Spray =
_ Electro Nozzle + Flamethrower = Electro Nozzle LV2 ( LV 18 )
_ Flaming Draken ( LV 13 ) + Flaming Air =
_ Flaming Air ( LV 8 ) + Flamethrower = Flaming Draken ( LV 13 )
_ Flamethrower LV 2 + Flaming Draken = Electro Nozzle ( LV 16 )
_ Dual Hurricane ( LV 23 ) + Spread Beam =
_ Dual Hurricane + Electro Nozzle LV 2= Crossing Headwind ( LV 25 )
_ Cold Spray ( LV 11 ) + Flaming Air =
_ Cold Spray + Dual Hurricane ( LV 23 ) = Lustrous Breeze ( LV 24 )
_ Electro Nozzle LV 2 ( LV 18 ) + Dual Hurricane ( LV 23 ) = Crossing Headwind ( LV 25 )
_ Electro Nozzle LV 2 + Cold Spray = Spread Beam ( LV 19 )
_ Cold Spray + Flaming Draken ( LV 13 ) = Cool Mist Shower ( LV 15 )
_ Dual Hurricane ( LV 23 ) + Flamethrower ( LV 1 ) = Lustrous Breeze ( LV 24 )
_ Electro Nozzle LV 2 ( LV 18 ) + Flaming Draken = Twin Tornado ( LV 20 )
_ Lustrous Breeze ( LV 24 ) + Twin Tornado = Electro Nozzle LV 2 ( LV 18 ) = Dragon Breath ( LV 28 )
_ Lustrous Breeze + Cold Spray ( LV 11 ) = Aureole Breeze ( LV 26 )
_ Lustrous Breeze + Flamethrower LV 2 = Aureole Breeze
_ Dragon Breath ( LV 28 ) + Cold Spray LV 2 =
_ Dragon Breath + Cold Spray ( LV 11 ) = Catharsis Boomer ( LV 29 )
_ Dragon Breath + Flaming Draken ( LV 11 ) = Chimera Breath ( LV 30 )
_ Dragon Breath + Flamethrower LV 2 ( LV 3 ) = Catharsis Boomer ( LV 29 )
_ Dragon Breath + Flaming Air ( LV 8 ) = Catharsis Boomer
_ Chimera Breath ( LV 30 ) + Thunder Thrower =
_ Chimera Breath + Cold Spray ( LV 11 ) = Catharsis Boomer ( LV 29 )
_ Chimera Breath + Flamethrower LV 2 ( LV 3 ) = Catharsis Boomer
_ Chimera Breath ( LV 30 ) + Flaming Air ( LV 8 ) = Catharsis Boomer
_ Chimera Breath ( LV 30 ) + Dual Hurricane ( LV 23 ) = Exedra Breath ( LV 33 )
_ Exedra Breath ( LV 33 ) + Dual Hurricane = VICE BUSTER ( LV 41 )
_ Exedra Breath + Cold Spray ( LV 11 ) = Dark Infection ( LV 36 )
_ Exedra Breath ( LV 33 ) + Flaming Air ( LV 8 ) = Dark Infection ( LV 36 )
_ Vice Buster ( LV 41 ) Double Cyclone =
_ Vice Buster ( LV 41 ) + Cold Spray ( LV 11 ) = Pandemomiun ( LV 42 )
_ Dark Infection ( LV 36 ) + Sacred Zephyr =
_ Evil Breath ( LV 37 ) + Thunder Thrower =
_ Evil Breath + Vice Buster ( LV 41 ) = Weeping Nemesis ( LV 45 )
_ Evil Breath fois 2 = Guilty Predator ( LV 44 )
_ Evil Cacophony ( LV 40 ) + Dragon Breath =
_ Dark Infection ( LV 36 ) + Sacred Zephyr =
_ Dark Infection fois 2 = Guilty Predator ( LV 44 )
_ Weeping Nemesis ( LV 45 ) + Evil Cacophony = Ganymedeon ( LV 48 )



_ satellite SG + Beam satellites =
_ Killer Grenades +satellite SG = Killer Grenades ( LV 16 )
_ Killer Grenades + Satellite MG = Crystal Bees ( LV 22 )
_ Crystal Bees ( LV 22 ) + Beam satellites ( LV 13 ) = RAPID SQUID ( LV 28 )
_ Rapid Squid ( LV 28 ) + Beam Avengers =
_ satellite SG + satellite MG = satellite HG - EX ( LV 8 )
_ Satellite MG + Satellite HG - EX =
_ Satellite MG ( LV 3 ) + High - Tension Cuttle ( LV 33 ) = High - Tension Cuttle
_ Beam Satellites + Satellite MG =
_ Beam satellites + satellite SG = Killer Grenades ( LV 16 )
_ Piercing Claw ( LV 24 ) + Great Hands ( LV 1 ) = Alchemic Meteor Fists ( LV 25 )
_ Full Metal Punishers ( LV 29 ) + Killer Grenades =
_ Full Metal Punishers + Rapid Squid ( LV 28 ) = High - Tension Cuttle ( LV 33 )
_ Full Metal Punishers + Beam satellites = Deep Squid ( LV 31 )
_ High - Tension Cuttle ( LV 33 ) + Gilded Drones =
_ High - Tension Cuttle + Full Metal Punishers = Devilish Blasters ( LV 40 )
_ Devilish Blasters ( LV 40 ) + High - Tension Cuttle =
_ Devilish Blasters + Rapid Squid ( LV 28 ) = + LV 41
_ Devilish Blasters + Satellite MG ( LV 3 ) = Geo Penetrators ( LV 41 )
_ Devilish Blasters + Beam Satellites ( LV 13 ) = + LV 41
_ Devilish Blasters + satellite SG ( LV 1 ) = Geo Penetrators ( LV 41 )
_ Depth Chargers ( LV 37 ) + Deep Squid =
_ Depth Chargers + Devilish Blasters ( LV 40 ) = Miraculous Duo ( LV 45 )
_ Blast Daemons ( LV 31 ) + Killblood Geminis =
_ Blast Daemons + Depth Chargers ( LV 37 ) = Dreadnought Cannons ( LV 44 )
_ Depth Chargers ( LV 37 ) + Deep Squid ( LV 31 ) = Miraculous Duo ( LV 45 )
_ Miraculous Duo ( LV 45 ) + High - Tension Cuttle =
_ Miraculous Duo + Devilish Blasters ( LV 40 ) = Dread Dominion ( LV 47 )
_ Miraculous Duo + Dread Dominion ( LV 47 ) = The Fearless ( LV 48 )
_ Dread Dominion ( LV 47 ) + Devilish Blasters ( LV 40 ) = The Fearless ( LV 48 )
_ Dread Dominion + Depth Chargers ( LV 37 ) = The Fearless ( LV 48 )


_ Great Hand + Greater Hands =
_ Geo Hand + Greater Hands = Omega Hands ( LV 20 )
_ Knockout Hands + Greater Hands = Giga Hands ( LV 18 )
_ Knockout Hands + Greats Hands = Dynamite Hands ( LV 14 )
_ Gigas Hands ( LV 18 ) + Dynamite Hands ( LV 18 ) = Omega Hands ( LV 20 )
_ Giga Hands + Alchemic Meteor Fists ( LV 25 ) = Wave Impact Fingers ( LV 29 )
_ Giga Hands + Dynamite Hands =
_ Dynamite Hands ( LV 14 ) + Knockout Hands =
_ Geo Hands + Giga Hands ( LV 18 ) = Alloy Hammer Frost ( LV 22 )
_ Alloy Hammer Fist ( LV 22 ) + Dynamite Hands = Alchemic Meteor Fists ( LV 25 )
_ Alloy hammer + Gigaton Arms ( LV 46 ) = Nebula Arms ( LV 46 )
_ Alloy Hammer + Roaring Knuckles ( LV 39 ) = Advent Storm Hands ( LV 40 )
_ Alchemic Meteor Fists ( LV 25 ) + Omega Hands =
_ Steel Hammer Fists ( LV 19 ) + Greater Hands = Piercing Claws ( LV 24 )
_ Steel Hammer Fists ( LV 19 ) + Alchemic Meteor Fists ( LV 25 ) = Wave Impact Fingers ( LV 29 )
_ Piercing Claws ( LV 24 ) + Omega Hands =
_ Piercing Claws ( LV 24 ) + Alchemic Meteor Fists ( LV 25 ) = Keen Point Fingers ( LV 30 )
_ Piercing Claws ( LV 24 ) + Great Hands ( LV 1 ) = Alchemic Meteor Fists ( LV 25 )
_ Piercing Claws + Steel Hammer Fists ( LV 19 ) = Great Scissors ( LV 27 )
_ Piercing Claws + Jobbinger Extras ( LV 28 ) = Iron Splitter Fingers ( LV 31 )
_ Piercing Claws + Giga Hands ( LV 18 ) = Alchemic Meteor Fists ( LV 25 )
_ Jobbinger Extras ( LV 28 ) + Omega Hands =
_ Iron Splitter Fingers ( LV 31 ) + Rock Hard Claws =
_ Iron Splitter Fingers + Alchemic Meteor Fists ( LV 25 ) = Malebodge 200 X ( LV 36 )
_ Iron Splitter Fingers + Knockout Hands ( LV 7 ) = Iron Splitter Fingers
_ Iron Splitter Fingers + Great Hands ( LV 1 ) = Iron Splitter Fingers
_ Iron Splitter Fingers + Steel Hammer Fists ( LV 19 ) = Iron Miner Hands ( LV 34 )
_ Iron Splitter Fingers + Giga Hands ( LV 18 ) = Iron Miner Hands ( LV 34 )
_ Malebodge 200 X ( LV 36 ) + Great scissors =
_ Malebodge 200 X + Steel Hammer Fists ( LV 19 ) = Advent Storm Hands ( LV 40 )
_ Malebodge 200 X + Great Hands ( LV 1 ) = Malebodge 200 X
_ Malebodge 200 X + Knockout Hands ( LV 7 ) = Crackling Bolt Hands ( LV 38 )
_ Malebodge 200 X + Giga Hands ( LV 18 ) = Roaring Knuckles ( LV 39 )
_ Advent Storm Hands ( LV 40 ) + Total Inferno Hands =
_ Advent Storm Hands + Great Hands ( LV 1 ) = Meteor Strikers ( LV 41 )
_ Advent Storm Hands + Knockout Hands ( LV 7 ) = Meteor Strikers
_ Advent Storm Hands + Giga Hands ( LV 18 ) = Advent Storm Hands
_ Advent Storm Hands ( LV 40 ) + Jabbinger Extras ( LV 28 ) = Pluto Drivers ( LV 43 )
_ Inferno Hands ( LV 32 ) + Alchemic Meteor Fists =
_ Inferno Hands + Jabbinger Extras ( LV 28 ) = Crackling Bolt Hands ( LV 38 )
_ Inferno Hands + Giga Hands ( LV 18 ) = Iron Miner Hands ( LV 34 )
_ Pluto Drivers ( LV 43 ) + Iron Splitter Fingers =
_ malebodge 200 X ( LV 36 ) + Rock Hard Claws =
_ malebodge 200 X + Inferno Hands ( LV 32 ) = Phantom Fists ( LV 41 )
_ malebodge 200 X + Pluto Drivers ( LV 43 ) = Gigaton Arms ( LV 46 )
_ malebodge 200 X + Jobbiger Extras ( LV 28 ) = Meteor Striker ( LV 41 )
_ malebodge 200 X + Gigas Hands ( LV 18 ) = Crackling Bolt Hands ( LV 38 )
_ malebodge 200 X + Great Hands ( LV 1 ) = Ethereal Iron Hands ( LV 37 )
_ malebodge 200 X + Knockout Hands ( LV 7 ) = ethereal Iron Hands ( LV 37 )
_ Meteor Strikes ( LV 41 ) + Deep Drill Fingers =
_ Meteor Strikes + Pluto Drivers ( LV 43 ) = Nebula Arms ( LV 46 )
_ Nebula Arms ( LV 46 ) + Murderous Arms ( LV 44 ) = Final Big Bang ( LV 48 )
_ Nebula Arms fois 2 = Final Big Bang ( LV 48 )
_ Murderous Arms ( LV 44 ) + Iron Miner Hands =
_ Murderous Arms fois 2 = Galaxy Arms ( LV 47 )
_ Gigaton Arms ( LV 46 ) + Phantom Fists =
_ Roaring Knuckles ( LV 39 ) + Alchemic Meteor Fists =
_ Roaring Knuckles + Giganton Arms ( LV 46 ) = Galaxy Arms ( LV 47 )
_ Roaring Knuckles ( LV 39 ) fois 2 = Murderous Arms ( LV 44 )



_ Heavy Axe ( LV 22 ) + Silver Axe =
_ Great Dane ( LV 29 ) + Silver Commander =
_ Great Danel ( LV 29 ) + Heavy Axe ( LV 22 ) = Zipangu Axe ( LV 29 )
_ Soldier' s axe ( LV 23 ) + Heavy Axe = EX - Soldier ( LV 25 )
_ Soldier' s Axe + Great Dane ( LV 29 ) = Zipangu Axe ( LV 29 )
_ Zipangu Axe ( LV 29 ) + Silver Commander =
_ Zipangu Axe + Heavy Axe = Zipangu Axe
_ Zipangu Axe + Great Dane = Snarling Watchdog ( LV 33 )
_ great Dane fois 2 = Mars Dane ( LV 32 )
_ General' s Gold ( LV 28 ) + Snarling Watchdog ( LV 33 ) = Ender' s Power ( LV 38 )
_ General' s Gold + Knight' s Silver =
_ General' s Gold + Heavy Axe ( LV 22 ) = Zipangu Axe ( LV 29 )
_ General' s Gold + Zipangu Axe ( LV 29 ) = Snarling Watchdog ( LV 33 )
_ Zipangu Axe ( LV 29 ) + Silver Commander =
_ Ender' s Power ( LV 38 ) + Great Dane =
_ Ender' s Power + Zipangu Axe ( LV 29 ) = El Dorado ( LV 41 )
_ Ender' s Power + Heavy Axe ( LV 22 ) = Treasure' s Sway ( LV 39 )
_ Ender' s Power + General' s Gold ( LV 28 ) = El Dorado ( LV 41 )
_ El Dorado ( LV 41 ) + General' s Gold ( LV 28 ) = Titan' s Axe ( LV 43 )
_ El Dorado + Hungry Breaker =
_ El Dorado + Zipangu Axe ( LV 29 ) = Titan Axe ( LV 43 )
_ El Dorado + Heavy Axe ( LV 22 ) = Brave Testament ( LV 42 )
_ Limit Avenger ( LV 36 ) + Zipangu Axe = Olympian Treasure ( LV 40 )
_ Limit Avenger ( LV 36 ) + El Dorado ( LV 41 ) = Val de Legender ( LV 44 )
_ Limite Avenger + General' s Gold ( LV 28 ) = Treasure' s Sway ( LV 39 )
_ Olympian Treasure ( LV 40 ) + mad Cerberus =
_ Olympian Treasure + El Dorado = Gradius ( LV 45 )
_ Olympian Treasure + Zipangu Axe = Courageous Hero ( LV 42 )
_ Olympian Treasure + General' s Gold = El Dorado ( LV 41 )
_ Mad Cerberus ( LV 34 ) + Fighting Fang =
_ Mad Cerberus + Olympian Treasure ( LV 40 ) = Val de Legender ( LV 44 )
_ Mad Cerberus + El Dorado ( LV 41 ) = Chronos' Axe ( LV 44 )
_ Mad Cerberus + Zipangu Axe ( LV 29 ) = Ender' s Power ( LV 38 )
_ Chronos' Axe ( LV 44 ) + Limit Avenger =
_ Val de Legender ( LV 44 ) + Treasure' s Sway =
_ Val de Legender + Chronos' Axe ( LV 44 ) = Ultimate Grandius ( LV 47 )
_ El - Soldier ( LV 25 ) + El Dorado = Grandius ( LV 45 )
_ Knight' s Silver ( LV 26 ) + Ex - Soldier =
_ Golden Axe ( LV 26 ) + Silver Axe = Great Dane ( LV 29 )
_ Silver Axe ( LV 24 ) + Soldier' s Axe =
_ Silver Axe ( LV 24 ) + Olympian Treasure ( LV 40 ) = El Dorado ( LV 41 )
_ Crushing Axe ( LV 22 ) + Ex - Soldier ( LV 25 ) = Golden Axe ( LV 26 )
_ Crushing Axe + Golden Axe ( LV 26 ) = Golden Crest ( LV 28 )
_ Crushing Axe + Silver Axe ( LV 24 ) = Ex - Soldier ( LV 25 )
_ Uranos' Axe ( LV 45 ) + Ender' s Power =
_ Uranos' Axe fois 2 = 2 = Ultimate Grandius ( LV 47 )
_ Uranos' Axe + Ultimate Grandius ( LV 47 ) = Rasphara Grandius ( LV 48 )
_ Grandius ( LV 45 ) + Olympian Treasure =
_ Grandius fois 2 = Ultimate Grandius ( LV 47 )
_ Heavy Vulcan ( LV 22 ) + Guardian 44 =
_ Heavy Slugger ( LV 24 ) + Brave Slugger =
_ Heavy Slugger + Assault Vulcan = Brave Slugger ( LV 26 )
_ Assault Vulcan ( LV 23 ) + Heavy Vulcan ( LV 22 ) = Heavy Slugger ( LV 24 )
_ Assault Vulcan fois 2 = Heavy Slugger ( LV 24 )
_ Guardian 44 ( LV 25 ) + Assault Vulcan = Brave Slugger ( LV 26 )
_ Guardian 44 + Brave Slugger ( LV 26 ) = Guardian Triple - S ( LV 28 )
_ Guardian 44 + Heavy Slugger ( LV 24 ) = Guardian Zero - G ( LV 27 )
_ Guardian Tripe - S ( LV 28 ) + Brave Slugger =
_ Guardian Tripe - S + Heavy Slugger ( LV 24 ) = Guardian Death ( LV 30 )
_ Guardian Tripe - S + Assault Vulcan ( LV 23 ) = Hostile Zapper ( LV 29 )
_ Exterminator ( LV 35 ) + Brave Slugger = Kaiser Phalanx ( LV 38 )
_ Exterminator + Heavy Slugger ( LV 24 ) = Punishing Xanadu ( LV 37 )
_ Exterminator + Assault Vulcan ( LV 23 ) = Exterminator
_ Punishing Xanadu ( LV 37 ) + Guardian Death =
_ Kaiser Legion ( LV 40 ) + Exterminator ( LV 35 ) = Galactic Buster ( LV 45 )
_ Galactic Buster ( LV 45 ) + Kaiser Havaspri =
_ Galactic Buster + Kaiser Legion ( LV 40 ) = Pendragon Force ( LV 46 )
_ Galactic Buster + Galactic Assault ( LV 46 ) = Lost Galaxy ( LV 48 )
_ Guardian Zero - G ( LV 27 ) + Assault Vulcan =
_ Guardian Zero - G + Kaiser Legion ( LV 40 ) = Kaiser Havaspri ( LV 41 )
_ Tartoros Survivor ( LV 44 ) + Kaiser Legion = Pendragon Force ( LV 46 )
_ Tartoros Survivor + Galactic Buster ( LV 45 ) = Galactic Boom ( LV 47 )
_ Taroros Survivor + Punishing Xanadu ( LV 37 ) = Galactic Buster ( LV 45 )
_ Pendragon Force ( LV 46 ) + Galactic Buster ( LV 45 ) = Lost Galaxy ( LV 48 )
_ Galactic Assault ( LV 46 ) + Kaiser Legion =
_ Tartaros Maker ( LV 42 ) + Exterminator =



_ Mirage Spear ( LV 23 ) + Martial Spirit =
_ Mirage Spear ( LV 23 ) + Wasp Sting ( LV 24 ) = Martial Spirit ( LV 26 )
_ Mirage Spear + Maniac Spear = Wasp Sting ( LV 24 )
_ Maniac Spear ( LV 21 ) + Planet Spear =
_ Maniac Spear + wasp Sting = Martial Spirit ( LV 26 )
_ Mirage Spear ( LV 23 ) + Maniac Spear ( LV 21 ) = Wasp Sting ( LV 24 )
_ Waspsting ( LV 24 ) + Maniac Spear =
_ Holy Javely ( LV 28 ) + Planet Spear = Astral Rod ( LV 31 )
_ Holy Javelin ( LV 28 ) + Maniac Spear ( LV 21 ) = Holy Lance ( LV 30 )
_ Holy javelin ( LV 28 ) + Wasp Sting ( LV 24 ) = Metamorphose Spear ( LV 30 )
_ Holy Javelin + Mirage Spear ( LV 23 ) = Holy Lance ( LV 30 )
_ Holy Lance ( LV 30 ) + Martial Spirit =
_ Holy Lance + Mirage Spear ( LV 23 ) = Holy Catharsis ( LV 31 )
_ Holy Lance + Wasp Sting ( LV 24 ) = Holy Catharsis ( LV 31 )
_ Holy Lance + Planet Spear ( LV 25 ) = Holy Catharsis
_ Holy Lance + Holy Javelin 5 LV 28 ) = Meteorite Rod ( LV 33 )
_ Mirage Spear ( LV 23 ) + Martial Spirit =
_ Mirage Spear ( LV 23 ) + Holy Javelin ( LV 28 ) = Holy Lance ( LV 30 )
_ Planet Spear ( LV 25 ) + Wasp Sting ( LV 24 ) = Driving Spear ( LV 28 )
_ Meteorite Rod ( LV 33 ) + Metamorphose Spear =
_ Meteorite Rod + Planet Spear ( LV 25 ) = Sanctuary ( LV 32 )
_ Meteorite Rod + Wasp Sting ( LV 24 ) = Sanctuary ( LV 32 )
_ Meteorite Rod + Mirage Spear ( LV 23 ) = Sanctuary ( LV 32 )
_ Dragonic Core ( LV 34 ) + Holy Catharsis =
_ Dragonic Core + Meteorite Rod ( LV 33 ) = Bestla' s Spear ( LV 37 )
_ Dragonic Core + Planet Spear ( LV 25 ) = Odin' s Spear ( LV 35 )
_ Dragonic Core + Wasp Sting = Ondin' s Spear
_ Dragonic Core + Mirage Spear ( LV 23 ) = Ondin' s Spear
_ Bestla' s Spear ( LV 37 ) + Dragonic Core = Wise Man' s Spear ( LV 40 )
_ Bestla' s Spear + Planet Spear ( LV 25 ) = Gungnir ( LV 38 )
_ Bestla' s Spear + Mirage Spear = Gungnir
_ Bestla' s Spear + Wasp Sting = Gungnir
_ Wise Man' s Spear ( LV 40 ) + Dragonic Core =
_ Wise Man' s Spear + Planet Spear ( LV 25 ) = Valiant Luster ( LV 41 )
_ Wise Man' s Spear + Wasp Sting = Valiant Luster ( LV 41 )
_ Imperial Piercer ( LV 43 ) + Sage' s Spear =
_ Imperial Piercer + Wise Man' s Spear ( LV 40 ) = Piercing Genius ( LV 46 )
_ Imperial Piercer + Dragonic Core ( LV 34 ) = Spirit Chorus ( LV 45 )
_ Spirit Chorus ( LV 45 ) + Warrior' s Spear =
_ Spirit Chorus fois 2 = heavenly Genius ( LV 47 )
_ Spirit Chorus + Wise Man' s Spear ( LV 40 ) = Total Genius ( LV 47 )
_ Spirit Chorus + Planet Spear ( LV 25 ) = Dynamic Triumph ( LV 44 )
_ Spirit Chorus + Wasp Sting ( LV 24 ) = Dynamic Triumph ( LV 44 )
_ Spirit Chorus + Total Genius ( LV 47 ) = Genius Fusion ( LV 48 )
_ Spirit Chorus + Valiant Wind ( LV 40 ) = Heavenly Oratorio ( LV 46 )
_ Martial Spirit ( LV 26 ) + Wasp Sting = Metamorphose Star ( LV 30 )
_ Martial Spirit + Spirit Chorus ( LV 45 ) = Dynamic Triumph ( LV 44 )
_ Martial Spirit + Planet Spear ( LV 25 ) = Driving Spear ( LV 28 )
_ Driving Spear ( LV 28 ) + Martial Spirit =
_ Driving Spear + Spirit Chorus ( LV 45 ) = Dynamic Triumph ( LV 44 )
_ Driving Spear + Planet Spear ( LV 25 ) = Metamorphose Spear ( LV 30 )
_ Driving Spear + Mirage Spear ( LV 23 ) = Holy Javelin ( LV 28 )
_ Driving Spear + Spirit Chorus ( LV 45 ) = Dynamic Triumph ( LV 44 )
_ Driving Spear + Wise Man' s Spear ( LV 40 ) = Emperor' s Rod ( LV 42 )
_ Sage' s Spear ( LV 37 ) + Round Spear =
_ Sage' s Spear + Total Genius ( LV 47 ) = Heavenly Oratorio ( LV 46 )
_ Total Genius ( LV 47 ) fois 2 = Genius Fusion ( LV 48 )
_ Total Genius + Emperor' s Rod ( LV 42 ) = Heavenly Genius ( LV 47 )
_ Emperor' s Rod ( LV 42 ) + Sanctuary =
_ Emperor' s Rod + sage' s Spear ( LV 37 ) = Dynamic Triumph ( LV 44 )
_ Valiant Wind ( LV 40 ) + Astral Rod =
_ Heavenly Oratorio ( LV 46 ) + Imperial Piercer =


_ Blaze Saucer Box + Flying Saucer Max = Soaring Pleasure ( LV 28 )
_ Blaze Saucer Box ( LV 26 ) + Soaring Pleasure ( LV 28 ) = Burning Pleasure ( LV 31 )
_ Burning Pleasure ( LV 31 ) + Soaring Pleasure =
_ Burning Pleasure ( LV 31 ) + Fun Fun Pouch ( LV 31 ) =
_ Fun Fun Pouch ( LV 31 ) + Blaze Saucer Box =
_ Fun Fun Pouch ( LV 31 ) + Flying Saucer Box = Funny Clown Pouch ( LV 32 )
_ Blaze Saucer Max ( LV 29 ) + Flying Saucer Max =
_ Blaze Saucer Max + Burning Pleasure ( LV 31 ) = ILLUSIONIST J ( LV 36 )
_ Blaze Saucer Max + Fun Fun Pouch ( LV 31 ) = Trickster Pouch ( LV 34 )
_ Blaze Saucer Max + Flying Saucer Box ( LV 22 ) = Soaring Pleasure ( LV 28 )
_ Illusionist J ( LV 36 ) + Soaring Pleasure =
_ Illusionist J + Fun Fun Pouch ( LV 31 ) = Pursetastic Dream ( LV 40 )
_ Illusionist J + Flying Saucer Box = Illusionist J
_ Illusionist J + Blaze Saucer Max ( LV 29 ) = Homing Shooter ( LV 39 )
_ Pursetastic Dream ( LV 40 ) + Old Coin Purse =
_ Pursetastic Dream + Blaze Saucer Max ( LV 29 ) = Pursetastic Dream
_ Pursetastic Dream + Fun Fun Pouch ( LV 31 ) = Sonic Homing ( LV 41 )
_ Pursertastic Dream + Flying saucer Box = Homing Counter ( LV 41 )
_ Pursetastic Dream + Soaring Pleasure ( LV 28 ) = Pursetastic Dream
_ Flying Bonus Box ( LV 25 ) + Soaring Pleasure =
_ Flying Bonus Box + Pursetastic Dream ( LV 40 ) = Homing Counter ( LV 41 )
_ Flying Bonus Box + Fun Fun Pouch = Burning Pleasure ( LV 31 )
_ Old Coin Purse ( LV 35 ) + Blaze Saucer Max = Homing Shooter ( LV 39 )
_ Homing Shooter ( LV 39 ) + Burning Pleasure =
_ Homing Shooter + Soaring Pleasure ( LV 28 ) = Pursetastic Dream ( LV 40 )
_ Pursetastic Dream ( LV 40 ) + Old Coin Purse =
_ Pursetastic Dream + Flying Saucer Box ( LV 22 ) = Homing Counter ( LV 41 )
_ Pursetastic Dream fois 2 = Marvelous Universe ( LV 44 )
_ Pursetastic Dream + Flying Bonus Box ( LV 25 ) = Homing Counter ( LV 41 )
_ Homing Counter ( LV 41 ) + Illusionist J =
_ Homing Counter + Flying Saucer Box ( LV 22 ) = Pursetastic Dream ( LV 40 )
_ Homing Counter + Pursetastic Dream ( LV 40 ) = UFO ATTACK SET ( LV 45 )
_ UFO ATTACK SET ( LV 45 ) + Sonic Homing =
_ Blaze Bonus Max ( LV 30 ) fois 2 = Burning Pleasure ( LV 31 )
_ Blaze Bonus Max + Flying Saucer Box ( LV 22 ) = Fun Fun Pouch ( LV 31 )
_ Blaze Bonus Max + Soaring Pleasure ( LV 28 ) = Trickster Pouch ( LV 34 )
_ Trickster Pouch ( LV 34 ) + Blaze Bonus Max ( LV 30 ) = Pursetastic Dream ( LV 40 )
_ Trickster Pouch + UFO Attack Set ( LV 45 ) = New UFO Attack Set ( LV 46 )
_ Trickster Pouch fois 2 = Homing Counter ( LV 41 )
_ Thrilling UFO Set ( LV 47 ) fois 2 = UFO Squadron P ( LV 48 )
_ Thrilling UFO + UFO Attack Set ( LV 45 ) = UFO Squadron P ( LV 48 )
_ UFO Attack Set ( LV 45 ) + Trickster Puch ( LV 34 ) = New UFO Attack Set ( LV 46 )

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